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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

  Brawler Zyler

Base Set

Date Reviewed: 8.16.04

Constructed Average Rating: 3.83
Limited Average Rating: 4

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Knives101 Brawler Zyler. He makes a good rusher. Power Attacker +2000 means that he can suicide with 3000 powered blockers. La Ura Giga, and Marine Flower can't stop him, and live while he's on the attack. He's a human so he can be evolved into Valdios. The bad thing about Zyler is that he can be killed off by anything. This means Tribe, and Shroom will be able to take him out.

Rating: 4
Stegyman Brawler Zyler

Love those Humans, huh? XD

Brawler Zyler: Fire Creature, 2-Mana, 1000+ Attack. It has Power Attacker +2000. Not bad, huh?

Is this card good? I love this card! I personally prefer Brawler Zyler over Mini Titan Gett, but Immortal Baron Vorg over Brawler Zyler. At 2-Mana, Brawler Zyler can come out turn two and wreck some havoc. It has the capability to deal with 2000/3000 Blockers, which is a good thing. It's great in Rush decks, and since it can evolve into Armored Blaster Valdios, it's an awesome card.

In Limited this card is SO awesome. It's only a Common, so it will be very easy to draft. A high pick in draft.

Tournament: 3.5/5

Limited: 4/5

Monte Eads
a.k.a. NFG
Brawler Zyler

Constructed - 4/5

This is just a great card. My main deck (before Rampage) was a Red/Blue rush deck and it won mostly because of my fast shield killers like Zyler and Titans. Just a wonderful card. It runs over early blockers and kills 3000 blockers. Just wonderful. The only problem is that it falls to Crimson Hammer..so yeah. But alot of good stuff does. ;-)

Limited - 4/5

Pretty much the same as Vorg for this guy. Speed is key in draft and this guy offers it.
Fish Hey everyone! Fish here reviewing Brawler Zyler from the base set. A creature that costs 2 mana and can have 3000 power is a very good thing. The problem is that it can be killed by the early 2000 monsters, so keep it protected. Good against a light deck because of the 2000 power boost it gets while attacking. This is, all around, a pretty good card.

Constructed: 4/5
Limited: 4/5



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