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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site

Shockwaves of the Shattered Rainbow Pre-Release

Card # DM49

Date Reviewed: 04.12.05

Constructed Average Rating: 3.5
Limited Average Rating: 3.25

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Sup all you pojoers(probably spelled it wrong).heres my CoTD review about a
darkness card that has potential.

Name: Gigandura
Cost: 5
Race: Chimera
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone, look at your opponent's
hand. You may choose a card in his hand and put it into his mana zone. If
you do, choose a card in his mana zone and put it into his hand.
Power: 3000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: sgr
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 1
Set: Shockwaves of the Shattered Rainbow

hmmmmmmmmm.....this card perks my interest. usually water is all about mana
bounce, but this is an interesting card.

Pros:well, 5 for 3000 is nothing to brag about unless you got some sweet
effect, which this guy has. Not only do you get to switch your opponents
mana, but think about this.you get to look at your opponents hand. you now
know what strategy your opponent beholds and you can control his next
move.How so?ok, lets say he wants to play that apocalypse vise,but you dont
want him to, so you switch it for something bad in his mana,something he
doesnt need.now you have disrupted his whole strategy.pladdow!!!

Cons:well,hes not that strong. i really cant think of anything wrong with
this guy other than his cost,but if he was anything less, he'd be
broken(just like every other card =D)

Overall:he is pretty decent, at least IMO, hand advantage is key in this
game, and this guy can help disrupt the hand advantage. i'd give it
4/5(OMG!!!he gave Gigandura the same rating as Bombazar!!!1!!1)

thats all for today.if you wanna talk or duel,MSN me. my email is
Kerokero Sup everyone! Kerokero here, doing ym first COTD for pojo's DM site. Today, we're doing Gigandura, a chimera-type monster from the newest set, Shockwaves of the Shattered Rainbow!

Name: Gigandura
Cost: 5
Race: Chimera
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone, look at your opponent's hand. You may choose a card in his hand and put it into his mana zone. If you do, choose a card in his mana zone and put it into his hand.
Power: 3000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: sgr
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 1
Set: Shockwaves of the Shattered Rainbow

Now at first glance, this card doesn't seem anything more then mediocre. But

let's get down to the very details of Gigandura. First off, it's a Chimera type from the dark civilization. That means tons of support, and an amazing evolution. The cost of playing this beast of a beast is 5, a decent amout.
It's total power is 3000, so it can be hit by Searing Wave, Spatic Missile, Pyrofighter (suicide), and an assortment of others. Well, at least it's a body.

Now, it's effect lets you check your opponents hand, and switch a card out for something else in your opponents mana zone. This is something quite new for the darkness civilization, but has many uses. It can stop Pyrofighter, and cards that has been bounced to your opponents hand through cards such as

Spiral Gate, Aqua Sniper, the list goes on. Broken shields that haven't been

used, or spells that haven't been casted switch over.

The last part of the Gigandura's effect puts a card into the opponents hand from the hand. Take an expensive card you know your opponent can't play for awhile and stick it in there for them to worry about later. There isn't too much to this effect, really.

Best part is, this card specifically say "You MAY choose a card..." so it's a totally optional effect. But remember, if you don't send your opponents card from their hand to the mana zone, you won't get the last part of the effect.

Limited Play-I give it 3.5/5 here. A very good effect. Seeing how this set has some high costing cards, Gigandura works like magic. Just be weary of those cheap attackers.

Constructed-3/5 here. Can combo alright in mana destruction decks, or hand destruction decks. Try it out. You won't be sorry.

That's all for today! Make sure to tune in for more great COTD's here on Pojo. For any questions, comments, or positive/negative feedback, drop me a line at hyper_otaku_kero@hotmail.com.

Tobi Wan
This was the release participation card for the event last weekend ushering in a new set: Shockwaves of the Shattered Rainbow. At a fairly average cost of 5 for a chimera, he will have to wait in your hand for a while before it can be useful. Remember though, there are underutilized evolution cards (P.H. Gigazald to mill an opponents hand into nothingness and P.H. Gigazabal to gain light stealth & double breaker) that would benefit from the evobait. The only drawback to chimeras (at least with the cards currently available) is their relative cost. The cheep ones, such as Gigazoul who can’t attack to finish off the opponent, are not very strong or have very negative effects. It will probably be a while before we see competitive Chimera decks.

This card also appears within the set so the question has to be asked…does he (she…it?) belong in a competitive deck? I can think of a few instances where he would help. A scourge that has affected myself is the annoyance of speed attackers that bounce back to the hand upon a completed turn (like pyrofighter magnus,
Bazagazeal Dragon, and a new anger released in this set – Aqua skydiver who is a blocker that returns to the hand after being destroyed! Wrong on so many levels!) Your opponent can’t stop this effect, for let that little pest return to prevent its destruction. He is as good as mana on your turn. Then the choice is yours – give him a weenie attacker in return; a spell that wouldn’t help anyone at that point (ala Holy Awe when you are all tapped out at the end of the turn). Or give a creature that would hurt him instead. The most important thing to remember about this effect is that he is not really gaining mana, he is
losing a card in his hand to the mana zone and YOU get to choose what replaces it. And, in the worst case scenario, you don’t HAVE to execute the switch (the word may is the operative word).

There are possibilities with this creature, but by and large, it probably won’t completely save you and would be costly to count on him to save you. If you would run the chimera line, He might assist in a pinch. Overall (and remember, I am biased to the dark) I give him a 3 out of 5 in completive decks IF you plan on evolving him into one of the two certain choices. Otherwise, for his cost and poor cost to power ratio, he looses another point to make him 2 out of 5. Introduction of more Chimera evos would boost him up a bit, but with lack of choices, he is just not that fantastic.

Any questions, comments, and concerns? PM “TobiWanKhanobi” right here on Pojo; or e-mail me at Pondering_Reality@hotmail.com with a descriptive subject line.
Utility Name: Gigandura
Cost: 5
Race: Chimera
Civilization: Darkness
Type: Creature
Rules Text:
When you put this creature into the battle zone, look at your
hand. You may choose a card in his hand and put it into his mana zone.
you do, choose a card in his mana zone and put it into his hand.
Power: 3000
Mana Number: 1
Artist: sgr
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 1
Set: Shockwaves of the Shattered Rainbow
Gigandura is an interesting card. It gets to discard, and give a card back. The card given back will probably be put back into the mana anyway, if you're smart. Chimeras have a few evos, but I don't think those matter here...

Gigandura's effect is an interesting form of hand disruption, and can be added into many a heavy card-discarding deck.

3/5 Constructed
2/5 Limited

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