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Pojo's Duel Masters Card of the Day

Image from Wizards Duel Master site


Name: Abduction Charger
Cost: 7
Rules Text:
Choose up to 2 creatures in the battle zone and return them to their owners' hands.
Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)
Mana Number: 1
Rarity: R
Collector Number: 16

Date Reviewed: 03.20.07

Constructed Average Rating: 3.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Death Phoenix

Let’s start off by looking at the card:


Name: Abduction Charger

Cost: 7

Civilization: Water

Type: Spell

Rules Text:

Choose up to 2 creatures in the battle zone and return them to their owners' hands.

Charger (After you cast this spell, put it into your mana zone instead of your graveyard.)

Flavor Text:

"We have learned all we can about these specimens. But just to be sure, let's probe them again."

Mana Number: 1

Artist: Akifumi Yamamoto

Rarity: R

Collector Number: 16


Before we start, I love the quote.


Now for the actual review.  Abduction Charger is a Water Spell that costs 7 Mana.  For that much Mana, I would be hoping you get back something worth your while.


Abduction Charger’s has two components.  One is the fact you get to give your opponent back two of his creatures, which could end a temporary potential threat, or send two Blockers back that would have ruined your chances otherwise, or anything like that.  It all depends on your situation then what you probably will need them on.

The second component to the effect is a nice effect named Charger, which means that this Spell is now part of your Mana after you play it.  Always a plus.


This card, to me at least, is very situational.  If you are in a situation where it is pointless, you won’t get much use out of it.  If you, however, use it in one of the situations described above, this could indeed be useful.  The Charger effect is also useful.


The judgement means this card is rated. . .



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