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Image from Wizards Kaijudo site

Exclusive Preview

Napalmeon the Conquering

- #S4/S10 l 10INV

Date Reviewed:
Oct. 17, 2013

Constructed Rating: 4.25
Limited Rating: 2.25

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.



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My fellow Kaijudo Duel Masters... it seems that recently our realm has been under attack by the Choten. He's been corrupting everything in sight and has been unleashing hordes of creatures to attack our world. Luckily it seems that the realms of Pojo have been unscathed... for now. Pojo recently received a distress beacon from Wizards of the Coast and they urged...no, they demanded that I share this with the public and those still unaffected by the Choten's control, so that we may regain our footing on this side of the veil. It will come as no surprise that the Choten will add numerous powerful forces to his ranks including Dragons. It is also likely that the Choten has gained control over some of the most powerful Kaijudo Dragon Masters in our realm. Here is our chance to fight back and conquer our enemies!

Name: Napalmeon the Conquering
Type: Creature
Armored Dragon
Flavor Text: N/A
Rarity: Super Rare
Set Number: S4/S10 l 10INV
Triple Breaker
(This creature breaks 3 shields.)
Brutal Offensive- All your other Armored Dragons have "Powerful Attack +5000" and break an additional shield. (While attacking, a creature that has "Powerful Attack +5000" gets +5000 power.)
Intimidating Presence- All your opponent's Dragons can't attack.

Napalmeon the Conquering or as I will forever call him "Napalmeon Dynamite," seems to be a play on words of Napoleon Bonaparte. He was conveniently  was a military leader, emperor, and even was considered a monarch. With the recent reveals from Invasion Earth, we see that there is a lot to do with the military or similar branches. We have Generals, Lieutenants, Majors... I'm sure the list will go on. I feel this is a really cool addition to the flavor of the game. I am aware that there are other Generals in other sets and decks, but we're seeing a bit more in just this one set alone.

This guy is right on par with Infernus the Awakened in terms of stats. He's a level 9, has 12000 power, Triple Breaker, and is an Armored Dragon. Normally that aspect wouldn't make as much of a difference, but when you take into account his other effects, it just screams to be played in an Armored Dragon devoted deck.

His ability "Brutal Offensive" gives all of your other Armored Dragons Powerful Attack +5000! This allows your other Armored Dragons to get over huge threats easier than ever before, even easier than it was with General Skycrusher. As a fun side note, if you had two Napalmeon out, they would give each other enough power to break even with Infernus the Immolator himself! But wait, there's more! On top of the power boost, the ability also essentially gives you "Extra Breaker." So your Hyperspeed Dragons and Herald of Infernus just became Double Breakers and your Tatsurions are now officially Triple Breakers... oh yeah, and if you should manage to get out Infernus or another Napalmeon, it becomes a Quadra Breaker!

These are cool abilities and all but they're not the coup de grace... The ability "Intimidating Presence" can break the Dragon match up wide open! This ability makes it so that your opponent's Dragons can't attack. No fear of that Herald coming in for an easy cheat into play Dragon. Lyra can only tap something down but can never banish what it taps. Andromeda will still give you shields but it won't be revenging against anything anytime soon!

It's important to note that this card is a great anti-meta card when played against Dragons. On the downside, Dragon players will also use this card to deal with other Dragon decks. Being realistic, this card won't be out until turn six or seven in most games unless it gets brought out with Bottle of Wishes. So you may not be able to stop the early Dragon plays and attacks, but you can sure win those games that get drawn out a bit longer! Just make sure you have some removal spells to take care of your opponent's Napalmeon, otherwise you'll be having quite the uneventful duel as your opponent locks you down and conquers you.

Constructed: 4.25/5.00 (This card can lock down and decimate your opponent if they're running Dragons. Otherwise it gives some added push to Armored Dragon decks in the making.)
Limited: 2.25/5.00 (So far I'm not so sure how viable it would be in limited as we don't know much about the set, however, seeing as there are two drops around and low level evolutions, I don't know how viable this card would be in a sealed tournament.)

I'm glad we were able to get this out to you all. Please use this information wisely and prepare to strike out against the Choten! Until next time we meet my fellow Duel Masters, keep calm and we shall fight on!


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