Duel Masters: the cost of playing cards dcphipps@academicplanet.com Hey again pojo goers! You all had a short break from my writing, but I'm back again because I'm done with most of my school work (English is killing me right now!). This article will talk about getting the most bang for your buck...errr, mana cost, that is! There are three things I consider while looking at the mana cost used to summon and cast creatures and spells: attack(not applicable for spells), how fast they can be used, and, of course, their effects(if any). Attack is, as I'm sure most of you know, the number in the bottom left corner of each creature card. They range from 1000 to, I think, 9500(without an effect). I like to use creatures that at least have the same attack to cost ratio: such as 1:1000 or more, or 6:6000 or more. Anything less I typically rule as pretty useless, however, as dhuman pointed out, they can be used as discard bait for Fire and Darkness creatures. Of course, this doesn't apply to spell cards, but only to creatures. As for how fast they can be used, this is slightly more difficult to explain. You need a good mix of cards that can be used early on in the duel as well as mid and late game. You should have some Shield Trigger spells because they are the fastest and, often, most effective spells in the game. While this is not always true, they also have the ability to save your butt in a tight situation. These should be included in every deck because, if they are a part of your shields, they have no cost and can easily turn the duel around. You need small creatures and blockers that can defend you and break shields early on in the game and late game creatures that can easily turn the duel around. For example, in a Fire Deck, you should have some Deadly Fighter Braid Claw and some other low cost creatures and spells as well as some Explosive Fighter Ucarn or Bolshack Dragon to help you later on. Often, these will comprise some of the deck's focus. Effects are normally very useful, and often are considered while placing a card into your deck. Effects range from card drawing to power attackers and blockers. This is the most self-explanatory section, because, while Aqua Hulcus may only have 2000 power for 3 mana, he also draws a card and allows you to gain more options to use now or later on. Wow! I think that was the shortest tip I've written so far, but most of this was self-explanatory and I'm sure most of you have figured this out, but I said that I was going to write an article and I did. Also, my friend is kind of rushing me, so I hope it wasn't too short! Thanks for reading (you too dhuman!). -cgman