Deck Building - Guardian Sieg


Deck Building

one should always remember when building a deck, is balance, but also picking cards you like. that's what makes it your own deck. And Duel Masters provides that because a person can put up to 4 of any card. and do not overlook cards that you don't like..just because the picture is atrocious (i've done that many times) or the effect doesn't look good on surface. cards that i used to dislike were Burning Hellion, Horrid Worm, and General Curatops. Just because of their picture. now they're some of my best solid creatures. it is good to analyze all the cards and make combinations out of it. and the best way to test or find new ways of using cards is through actual dueling. whether it's dueling friends or just making a small practice deck to play against yourself. there is so many different ways to play this game. not to go against Yu-Gi-Oh!, cuz it has many deck types of its own. but when people play, even me, think there are definite staples that every one should have. in Duel Masters, their are staples, but it's a more all around thing. like fire rush will always* have braid claws and nature will always have bronze arms. so even the commons become staples in a sense which makes it easier to make a deck. Duel Masters is a simple game on the surface but really is one of the best and complex games ever.