Metalwing Skyterror vs. Scarlet Skyterror - Bolshack Dragon Ok there is something that I have been hearing a bit about and that is "Who is better, Metalwing Skyterror or Scarlet Skyterror?" Each card is very exceptable and each have their own strenghts and weaknesses. But today is the day that we shall determine who is better. First lets look at the cards. Metalwing Skyterror: Fire Armored Wyvern 7 - Whenever this creature attacks, you may destroy one of your opponents creatures that has "blocker." (Destroy the creature before your opponent can block with it.) - Double Breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields) 6000 Mana:1 Scarlet Skyterror: Fire Armored Wyvern 8 - When you put this creature into the battle zone, destroy all creatures that have "blocker." 3000 Mana:1 Now their effects. Metalwing Skyterror's effect is constant, meaning that it is useful throughout the game, that is if you are lucky enough to last that long and bring him out. Also its Double Breaker is good. Scarlet Skyterror's effect is more of a one shot deal, meaning that if you just need to attack like two more times for the win and your opponent is Blocker hungry this is the card to use. But like Metalwing, it is a card that you mostly will use later on in the game. How long they will last. Metalwing is more likely to last in the game do to its high power of 6000, while Scarlet won't last long with a power of 3000. Although the occational Death Smoke or Terror Pit will bring them down just the same, other cards like Tornado Flame will only affect Scarlet. Overall review: I would have to say judging by effects, cost, and power Metalwing Skyterror is the better card. Its long lasting effect, and high power for an ok cost makes it more useful. Scarlet Skyterror is good just not as good. It's power is too low for its cost, and it's effect isn't as reliable as Metalwing's. Winner: Metalwing Skyterror Ok my name is Taylor, but on Pojo's Message boards I am Bolshack Dragon. My AIM is BulletRider54, and my e-mails are or ===== >From Taylor