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Shockwaves of the Shattered Rainbow
by TobiWanKhanobi
This is
TobiWanKhanobi's listing of the Duel Masters Set Number
Shockwaves of the Shattered Rainbow. Enjoy!
1/110: Balza, Seeker of Hyperpearls
Light Creature
Mecha Thunder
Cost: 8 / 4000 Power
<ST> Shield trigger (When this creature is put into your
hand from your shield zone, you may summon it for no cost.)
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.)
Very Rare
2/110: Ryudmila, Channeler of Suns
Light Creature
Mecha Del Sol
Cost: 5 / 2000 Power
This creature gets +2000 power for each of your other
untapped creatures in the battle zone. When this creature
would be destroyed, shuffle it into your deck instead.
Very Rare
3/110: King Oquanos
Water Creature
Cost: 8 / 2000 Power
This creature gets +2000 power for each tapped card in your
opponent's mana zone. While this creature has power 6000 or
more, it has "Double breaker (This creature breaks 2
Very Rare
4/110: Gajirabute, Vile Centurion
Darkness Creature
Demon Command
Cost: 6 / 3000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, choose one
of your opponent's shields and put it into his graveyard.
Very Rare
5/110: Kejila, the Hidden Horror
Darkness Creature
Pandora's Box
Cost: 6 / 6000 Power
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) Silent
skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this creature
is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ ability.) Ǽ
This creature breaks 2 of your opponent's shields.
Very Rare
6/110: Gaulezal Dragon
Fire Creature
Armored Dragon
Cost: 9 / 11000 Power
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Very Rare
7/110: Carnival Totem
Nature Creature
Mystery Totem
Cost: 6 / 7000 Power
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) When you
put this creature into the battle zone, put all the cards
from your mana zone into your hand and, at the same time,
put all the cards from your hand into your mana zone tapped.
Very Rare
8/110: Tanzanyte, the Awakener
Water / Darkness Creature
Spirit Quartz
Cost: 7 / 9000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) Double
breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) Instead of having
this creature attack, you may tap it to use its @ ability. @
Choose a creature in your graveyard. Return all creatures
that have that name from your graveyard to your hand.
Very Rare
9/110: Bombazar, Dragon of Destiny
Fire / Nature Creature
Armored Dragon / Earth Dragon
Cost: 7 / 6000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) When you
put this creature into the battle zone, destroy all other
creatures that have 6000 power. Take an extra turn after
this one. You lose the game at the end of that turn. Speed
attacker (This creature doesn't get summoning sickness.)
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Very Rare
10/110: Techno Totem
Light / Nature Creature
Mystery Totem
Cost: 4 / 5000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) While
this creature is tapped, each of your other creatures has
"power attacker +1500." (While attacking, a creature that
has "power attacker +1500" gets +1500 power.) Instead of
having this creature attack, you may tap it to use its @
ability. Choose one of your opponent's creatures in the
battle zone and tap it.
Very Rare
11/110: Berochika, Channeler of Suns
Light Creature
Mecha Del Sol
Cost: 5 / 5000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, if you have
5 or more shields, add the top card of your deck to your
shields face down.
12/110: Bulgluf, the Spydroid
Light Creature
Cost: 6 / 4000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ Add the top card of your deck to your shields
face down.
13/110: Clearlo, Grace Enforcer
Light Creature
Cost: 3 / 1000 Power
This creature gets +1000 power for each of your other
untapped creatures in the battle zone.
14/110: Ferrosaturn, Spectral Knight
Light Creature
Rainbow Phantom
Cost: 1 / 2000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.) This creature can't attack players.
15/110: Flohdani, the Spydroid
Light Creature
Cost: 4 / 4000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ Choose up to 2 of your opponent's creatures in
the battle zone and tap them.
16/110: Glais Mejicula, the Extreme
Light Evolution
Cost: 2 / 5500 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Initiates. Whenever one of
your shields would be broken, you may discard 2 cards from
your hand instead.
17/110: Ikaz, the Spydroid
Light Creature
Cost: 4 / 4000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.) Whenever this creature blocks, choose one
of your creatures in the battle zone. Untap it after the
battle. This creature can't attack players.
18/110: Kaemira, the Oracle
Light Creature
Light Bringer
Cost: 4 / 1000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ Add the top card of your deck to your shields
face down.
19/110: Lemik, Vizier of Thought
Light Creature
Cost: 5 / 3000 Power
Each of your water creatures and nature creatures in the
battle zone has "blocker." (Whenever one of your opponent's
creatures attacks, you may tap a creature that has "blocker"
to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)
20/110: Logic Cube
Light Spell
Cost: 3
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) Search
your deck. You may take a spell from your deck, show that
spell to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Then
shuffle your deck.
21/110: Messa Bahna, Expanse Guardian
Light Creature
Cost: 3 / 5000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.) Whenever an opponent's creature attacks,
this creature blocks if able. This creature can't attack
22/110: Pala Olesis, Morning Guardian
Light Creature
Cost: 3 / 2500 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.) During your opponent's turn, each of your
other creatures gets +2000 power. This creature can't attack
23/110: Poltalester, the Spydroid
Light Creature
Cost: 5 / 2000 Power
<ST> Shield trigger (When this creature is put into your
hand from your shield zone, you may summon it for no cost.)
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.)
24/110: Rapid Reincarnation
Light Spell
Cost: 3
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) You may
destroy one of your creatures. If you do, choose a creature
in your hand that costs the same as or less than the number
of cards in your mana zone and put it into the battle zone.
25/110: Solar Ray
Light Spell
Cost: 2
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) Choose
one of your opponent's creatures in the battle zone and tap
26/110: Static Warp
Light Spell
Cost: 2
Each player chooses one of his creatures in the battle zone.
Tap the rest of the creatures in the battle zone.
27/110: Tulk, the Oracle
Light Creature
Light Bringer
Cost: 1 / 500 Power
No Effect
28/110: Aqua Strummer
Water Creature
Liquid People
Cost: 3 / 2000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, look at up
to 5 cards from the top of your deck and put them back in
any order.
29/110: Ardent Lunatron
Water Creature
Cyber Moon
Cost: 3 / 5000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.) Whenever an opponent's creature attacks,
this creature blocks if able. This creature can't attack.
30/110: Battery Cluster
Water Creature
Cyber Cluster
Cost: 2 / 3000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.) This creature can't attack.
31/110: Buoyant Blowfish
Water Creature
Gel Fish
Cost: 5 / 1000 Power
This creature gets +1000 power for each tapped card in your
opponent's mana zone.
32/110: Charge Whipper
Water Creature
Cyber Virus
Cost: 3 / 2000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ You may add a card from your hand to your
shields face down. If you do, choose one of your shields and
put it into your hand. You can't use the "shield trigger"
ability of that shield.
33/110: Crystal Spinslicer
Water Evolution
Liquid People
Cost: 2 / 5000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.) Evolution - Put on one of your Liquid
34/110: Fluorogill Manta
Water Creature
Gel Fish
Cost: 6 / 1000 Power
Your light creatures and darkness creatures can't be
35/110: Milporo
Water Creature
Cyber Lord
Cost: 4 / 3000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ Draw a card.
36/110: Mystic Magician
Water Creature
Cost: 5 / 3000 Power
Your creatures that have "silent skill" are put into the
battle zone tapped. Whenever one of your creatures that has
"silent skill" would be destroyed, put it into your hand
37/110: Pinpoint Lunatron
Water Creature
Cyber Moon
Cost: 6 / 2000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ Choose a creature in the battle zone or a card
in either player's mana zone and return it to its owner's
38/110: Recon Operation
Water Spell
Cost: 2
Look at up to 3 of your opponent's shields.
39/110: Siren Concerto
Water Spell
Cost: 1
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) Put a
card from your mana zone into your hand. Then put a card
from your hand into your mana zone.
40/110: Spiral Gate
Water Spell
Cost: 2
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) Choose
a creature in the battle zone and return it to its owner's
41/110: Tide Patroller
Water Creature
Cost: 4 / 2000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.)
42/110: Torpedo Cluster
Water Creature
Cyber Cluster
Cost: 3 / 3000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, return a
card from your mana zone to your hand.
43/110: Transmogrify
Water Spell
Cost: 3
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) You may
destroy a creature. If you do, its owner reveals cards from
the top of his deck until he reveals a non-evolution
creature. He puts that creature into the battle zone and
puts the rest of those cards into his graveyard.
44/110: Zaltan
Water Creature
Cyber Lord
Cost: 5 / 3000 Power
Whenever you put a Cyber Virus into the battle zone, you may
discard up to 2 cards from your hand. For each card you
discard, choose a creature in the battle zone and return it
to its owner's hand.
45/110: Benzo, the Hidden Fury
Darkness Creature
Pandora's Box
Cost: 4 / 2000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, choose one
of your shields and put it into your hand. (You can use the
"shield trigger" ability of that shield.)
46/110: Death Smoke
Darkness Spell
Cost: 4
Destroy one of your opponent's untapped creatures.
47/110: Dedreen, the Hidden Corrupter
Darkness Creature
Pandora's Box
Cost: 5 / 4000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, if your
opponent has 3 or fewer shields, he discards a card at
random from his hand.
48/110: Gigamente
Darkness Creature
Cost: 4 / 3000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ Return a creature from your graveyard to your
49/110: Gigandura
Darkness Creature
Cost: 5 / 3000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, look at
your opponent's hand. You may choose a card in it and put it
into his mana zone. If you do, choose a card in his mana
zone and put it into his hand.
50/110: Hourglass Mutant
Darkness Creature
Cost: 3 / 2000 Power
Each of your water creatures and fire creatures in the
battle zone has "slayer." (Whenever a creature that has
"slayer" battles, destroy the other creature after the
51/110: Infernal Command
Darkness Spell
Cost: 1
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) Choose
one of your opponent's creatures in the battle zone. It gets
"this creature attacks if able" until the start of your next
52/110: Mikay, Rattling Doll
Darkness Creature
Death Puppet
Cost: 2 / 2000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.) This creature can't attack.
53/110: Mummy Wrap, Shadow of Fatigue
Darkness Creature
Cost: 3 / 1000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability. @ Each player discards a card at random
from his hand.
54/110: Nightmare Invader
Darkness Creature
Devil Mask
Cost: 4 / 3000 Power
No Effect
55/110: Pierr, Psycho Doll
Darkness Creature
Death Puppet
Cost: 2 / 1000 Power
<B> Blocker. Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, this
creature blocks if able. This creature can't attack. Slayer
(Whenever this creature battles, destroy the other creature
after the battle.)
56/110: Spark Chemist, Shadow of Whim
Darkness Creature
Cost: 2 / 3000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, return all
the cards from your mana zone to your hand.
57/110: Spinal Parasite
Darkness Creature
Brain Jacker
Cost: 5 / 2000 Power
At the start of each of your opponent's turns, he chooses
one of his creatures in the battle zone that can attack.
That creature attacks that turn if able.
58/110: Uliya, the Entrancer
Darkness Creature
Dark Lord
Cost: 6 / 5000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, choose one
of your shields and put it into your hand. (You can use the
"shield trigger" ability of that shield.)
59/110: Upheaval
Darkness Spell
Cost: 6
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) Each
player puts all the cards from his mana zone into his hand
and, at the same time, puts all the cards from his hand into
his mana zone tapped.
60/110: Venom Capsule
Darkness Creature
Brain Jacker
Cost: 2 / 1000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ This creature breaks one of your opponent's
61/110: Zero Nemesis, Shadow of Panic
Darkness Evolution
Cost: 6 / 6000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Ghosts. Whenever one of your
creatures attacks, your opponent discards a card at random
from his hand. Double breaker (This creature breaks 2
62/110: Armored Raider Gandaval
Fire Evolution
Cost: 5 / 6000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Humans. While attacking, this
creature gets +2000 power for each of your other tapped
creatures in the battle zone. Double breaker (This creature
breaks 2 shields.)
63/110: Brad, Super Kickin' Dynamo
Fire Creature
Cost: 3 / 2000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ Destroy one of your opponent's creatures that
has "blocker."
64/110: Burnwisp Lizard
Fire Creature
Melt Warrior
Cost: 5 / 4000 Power
Each of your creatures in the battle zone that has "silent
skill" has "speed attacker." (A creature that has "speed
attacker" doesn't get summoning sickness.)
65/110: Colossus Boost
Fire Spell
Cost: 1
One of your creatures gets +4000 power until the end of the
66/110: Cragsaur
Fire Creature
Rock Beast
Cost: 3 / 3000 Power
No Effect
67/110: Explosive Trooper Zalmez
Fire Creature
Cost: 3 / 2000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, if your
opponent has 2 or fewer shields, you may destroy one of your
opponent's creatures that has power 3000 or less.
68/110: Forced Frenzy
Fire Spell
Cost: 3
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) Each of
your opponent's creatures gets "This creature attacks if
able" until the start of your next turn.
69/110: Hurlosaur
Fire Creature
Rock Beast
Cost: 6 / 2000 Power
<ST> Shield trigger (When this creature is put into your
hand from your shield zone, you may summon it for no cost.)
When you put this creature into the battle zone, destroy one
of your opponent's creatures that has power 1000 or less.
70/110: Mezger, Commando Leader
Fire Creature
Cost: 4 / 2000 Power
Speed attacker (This creature doesn't get summoning
71/110: Minelord Skyterror
Fire Creature
Armored Wyvern
Cost: 4 / 3000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ Destroy all creatures that have power 3000 or
72/110: Mykee's Pliers
Fire Creature
Cost: 4 / 2000 Power
Each of your darkness creatures and nature creatures in the
battle zone has "speed attacker." (A creature that has
"speed attacker" doesn't get summoning sickness.)
73/110: Phantom Dragon's Flame
Fire Spell
Cost: 3
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) Destroy
one of your opponent's creatures that has power 2000 or
74/110: Siege Roller Bagash
Fire Creature
Cost: 4 / 3000 Power
While attacking, this creature gets +1000 power for each of
your other tapped creatures in the battle zone.
75/110: Smash Warrior Stagrandu
Fire Creature
Cost: 2 / 1000 Power
This creature can attack untapped creatures. Whenever this
creature attacks a creature that has power 6000 or more,
this creature gets +9000 power until the end of the turn.
76/110: Supersonic Jet Pack
Fire Spell
Cost: 1
One of your creatures in the battle zone gets "speed
attacker" until the end of the turn. (It doesn't get
summoning sickness.)
77/110: Taunting Skyterror
Fire Creature
Armored Wyvern
Cost: 5 / 3000 Power
While this creature is tapped during your opponent's turn,
each of his creatures attacks if able.
78/110: Vorg's Engine
Fire Creature
Cost: 2 / 2000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ Destroy all creatures that have power 2000 or
79/110: Adventure Boar
Nature Creature
Beast Folk
Cost: 2 / 1000 Power
Power attacker +2000 (While attacking, this creature gets
+2000 power.)
80/110: Ancient Horn, the Watcher
Nature Creature
Horned Beast
Cost: 5 / 5000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, if you have
5 or more shields, untap all the cards in your mana zone.
81/110: Bubble Scarab
Nature Creature
Giant Insect
Cost: 5 / 4000 Power
Whenever one of your creatures is attacked, you may discard
a card from your hand. If you do, that creature gets +3000
power until the end of the turn.
82/110: Earth Ripper, Talon of Rage
Nature Evolution
Beast Folk
Cost: 4 / 6000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Beast Folk. When you put this
creature into the battle zone, return all tapped cards from
your mana zone to your hand. Double breaker (This creature
breaks 2 shields.)
83/110: Faerie Life
Nature Spell
Cost: 2
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) Put the
top card of your deck into your mana zone.
84/110: Hustle Berry
Nature Creature
Wild Veggies
Cost: 2 / 1000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ Put the top card of your deck into your mana
85/110: Jiggly Totem
Nature Creature
Mystery Totem
Cost: 4 / 1000 Power
While attacking, this creature gets +1000 power for each
tapped card in your mana zone.
86/110: Karate Potato
Nature Creature
Wild Veggies
Cost: 4 / 1000 Power
<ST> Shield trigger (When this creature is put into your
hand from your shield zone, you may summon it for no cost.)
When you put this creature into the battle zone, you may put
up to 2 cards from your hand into your mana zone.
87/110: Legacy Shell
Nature Creature
Colony Beetle
Cost: 5 / 4000 Power
Each of your light creatures and fire creatures has "power
attacker +3000." (While attacking, a creature that has
"power attacker +3000" gets +3000 power.)
88/110: Sabermask Scarab
Nature Creature
Giant Insect
Cost: 4 / 4000 Power
Whenever this creature attacks, return a card from your mana
zone to your hand.
89/110: Scowling Tomato
Nature Creature
Wild Veggies
Cost: 2 / 2000 Power
No Effect
90/110: Shaman Broccoli
Nature Creature
Wild Veggies
Cost: 2 / 1000 Power
When this creature would be destroyed, put it into your mana
zone instead.
91/110: Soulswap
Nature Spell
Cost: 3
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield zone, you may cast it for no cost.) You may
choose a creature in the battle zone and put it into its
owner's mana zone. If you do, choose a non-evolution
creature in that player's mana zone that costs the same as
or less than the number of cards in that mana zone. That
player puts that creature into the battle zone.
92/110: Sporeblast Erengi
Nature Creature
Balloon Mushroom
Cost: 4 / 4000 Power
Silent skill (At the start of each of your turns, if this
creature is tapped, you may keep it tapped and use its Ǽ
ability.) Ǽ Search your deck. You may take a creature from
your deck, show that creature to your opponent, and put it
into your hand.
93/110: Terradragon Cusdalf
Nature Creature
Earth Dragon
Cost: 5 / 7000 Power
Power attacker +4000 (While attacking, this creature gets
+4000 power.) Double breaker (This creature breaks 2
shields.) You can't untap the cards in your mana zone at the
start of each of your turns.
94/110: Thirst for the Hunt
Nature Spell
Cost: 1
Each of your creatures gets "power attacker +1000" until the
end of the turn. (While attacking, a creature that has
"power attacker +1000" gets +1000 power.)
95/110: Twitch Horn, the Aggressor
Nature Creature
Horned Beast
Cost: 6 / 2000 Power
While attacking, this creature gets +2000 power for each
tapped card in your mana zone.
96/110: Aqua Skydiver
Light / Water Creature
Liquid People
Cost: 4 / 1000 Power
<ST> Shield trigger (When this creature is put into your
hand from your shield zone, you may summon it for no cost.)
<B> Blocker. (This creature is put into your mana zone
tapped.) When this creature would be destroyed, return it to
your hand instead.
97/110: Estol, Vizier of Aqua
Light / Water Creature
Initiate / Liquid People
Cost: 5 / 2000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) When you
put this creature into the battle zone, add the top card of
your deck to your shields face down. Then look at one of
your opponent's shields.
98/110: Tajimal, Vizier of Aqua
Light / Water Creature
Initiate / Liquid People
Cost: 3 / 4000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.) (This creature is put into your mana zone
tapped.) This creature can't attack players. While battling
a fire creature, this creature gets +4000 power.
99/110: Melnia, the Aqua Shadow
Water / Darkness Creature
Liquid People / Ghost
Cost: 2 / 1000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) This
creature can't be blocked. Slayer (Whenever this creature
battles, destroy the other creature after the battle.)
100/110: Pointa, the Aqua Shadow
Water / Darkness Creature
Liquid People / Ghost
Cost: 5 / 2000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) When you
put this creature into the battle zone, look at one of your
opponent's shields. Then your opponent discards a card at
random from his hand.
101/110: Soderlight, the Cold Blade
Water / Darkness Creature
Spirit Quartz
Cost: 4 / 4000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) This
creature can't be blocked. Silent skill (At the start of
each of your turns, if this creature is tapped, you may keep
it tapped and use its Ǽ ability.) Ǽ Your opponent chooses
one of his creatures and destroys it.
102/110: Dolmarks, the Shadow Warrior
Darkness / Fire Creature
Ghost / Human
Cost: 4 / 4000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) When you
put this creature into the battle zone, destroy one of your
creatures and put a card from your mana zone into your
graveyard. Then your opponent chooses and destroys one of
his creatures and chooses a card in his mana zone and puts
it into his graveyard.
103/110: Galek, the Shadow Warrior
Darkness / Fire Creature
Ghost / Human
Cost: 5 / 2000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) When you
put this creature into the battle zone, destroy one of your
opponent's creatures that has "blocker." Then your opponent
discards a card at random from his hand.
104/110: Ulex, the Dauntless
Darkness / Fire Creature
Spirit Quartz
Cost: 3 / 3000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) Your
opponent can't tap this creature.
105/110: Gonta, the Warrior Savage
Fire / Nature Creature
Human / Beast Folk
Cost: 2 / 4000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.)
106/110: Tagtapp, the Retaliator
Fire / Nature Creature
Spirit Quartz
Cost: 3 / 3000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) This
creature gets +1000 power for each water card in your
opponent's mana zone. While this creature has power 6000 or
more, it has "Double breaker (This creature breaks 2
107/110: Wind Axe, the Warrior Savage
Fire / Nature Creature
Human / Beast Folk
Cost: 5 / 2000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) When you
put this creature into the battle zone, destroy one of your
opponent's creatures that has "blocker." Then put the top
card of your deck into your mana zone.
108/110: Lukia Lex, Pinnacle Guardian
Light / Nature Creature
Cost: 3 / 2500 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) Power
attacker +3000 (While attacking, this creature gets +3000
power.) At the end of each of your turns, you may untap this
109/110: Sanfist, the Savage Vizier
Light / Nature Creature
Beast Folk / Initiate
Cost: 3 / 3000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this creature to stop the attack. Then the 2
creatures battle.) (This creature is put into your mana zone
tapped.) When this creature would be discarded from your
hand during your opponent's turn, you may put it into the
battle zone instead.
110/110: Skysword, the Savage Vizier
Light / Nature Creature
Beast Folk / Initiate
Cost: 5 / 2000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) When you
put this creature into the battle zone, put the top card of
your deck into your mana zone. Then add the top card of your
deck to your shields face down.
S1/S10: Elixia, Pureblade Elemental
Light Creature
Angel Command
Cost: 6 / 1000 Power
This creature gets +3000 power for each civilization in your
mana zone. While this creature has power 6000 or more, it
has "Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields)." While
this creature has power 15000 or more, it has "triple
breaker" instead of "double breaker." (It breaks 3 shields.)
Super Rare
S2/S10: Hawkeye Lunatron
Water Creature
Cyber Moon
Cost: 8 / 6000 Power
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) When you
put this creature into the battle zone, search your deck.
You may take a card from your deck and put it into your
hand. Then shuffle your deck.
Super Rare
S3/S10: Hurricane Crawler
Water Creature
Earth Eater
Cost: 5 / 4000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, put all the
cards from your hand into your mana zone. Then put that many
cards from your mana zone into your hand.
Super Rare
S4/S10: Necrodragon Bryzenaga
Darkness Creature
Zombie Dragon
Cost: 6 / 9000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, put all
your shields into your hand. (You can use the "shield
trigger" abilities of those shields.) Double breaker (This
creature breaks 2 shields.)
Super Rare
S5/S10: Core-Crash Lizard
Fire Creature
Melt Warrior
Cost: 7 / 6000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, choose one
of your opponent's shields and put it into his graveyard.
Super Rare
S6/S10: Ultimate Dragon
Fire Creature
Armored Dragon
Cost: 6 / 5000 Power
This creature gets +5000 power for each of your other
creatures in the battle zone that has Dragon in its race.
Crew breaker - Dragon (This creature breaks one more shield
for each of your other creatures in the battle zone that has
Dragon in its race.)
Super Rare
S7/S10: Bodacious Giant
Nature Creature
Cost: 8 / 12000 Power
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) While this
creature is tapped during your opponent's turn, if it hasn't
been attacked that turn, your opponent's creatures must
attack it if able.
Super Rare
S8/S10: Terradragon Dakma Balgarow
Nature Creature
Earth Dragon
Cost: 7 / 1000 Power
This creature gets +2000 power for each shield you and your
opponent have. While this creature has power 6000 or more,
it has "Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields)."
While this creature has power 15000 or more, it has "triple
breaker" instead of "double breaker." (It breaks 3 shields)
Super Rare
S9/S10: Bluum Erkis, Flare Guardian
Light / Water Creature
Cost: 6 / 8500 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) Whenever
this creature would break one of your opponent's shields,
your opponent shows that shield to you instead of putting it
into his hand. If it's a spell that has "shield trigger,"
you cast it for no cost, then put it into your opponent's
graveyard. If it's not, your opponent puts it into his hand.
Double breaker.
Super Rare
S10/S10: Deklowaz, the Terminator
Darkness / Fire Creature
Spirit Quartz
Cost: 6 / 5000 Power
(This creature is put into your mana zone tapped.) Instead
of having this creature attack, you may tap it to use its @
ability. @ Destroy all creatures that have power 3000 or
less. Then look at your opponent's hand. He discards all
creatures from it that have power 3000 or less.
Super Rare