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Duel Masters Deck
of the Invisible Wrath
by TobiWanKhanobi
This is
TobiWanKhanobi's listing of the Duel Masters Set Number
Stomp-a-trons of the Invisible Wrath. Enjoy!
1/110: Invincible Aura
Light Spell
Cost: 13
Add up to 3 cards from the top of your deck to your shields
face down.
Very RareStomp-a-trons of the Invisible Wrath
2/110: Lu Gila, Silver Rift Guardian
Light Creature
Cost: 5 / 4000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this
creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)
creatures are put into the battle zone tapped. This creature
can't attack
Very Rare
3/110: Aeropica
Water Creature
Sea Hacker
Cost: 7 / 4000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@Choose a creature in the battle zone and return it to its
owner's hand.
Very Rare
4/110: Invincible Technology
Water Spell
Cost: 13
Search your deck. You may take any number of cards from your
deck, show
those cards to your opponent, and put them into your hand.
Then shuffle your
Very Rare
5/110: Invincible Abyss
Darkness Spell
Cost: 13
Destroy all your opponent's creatures.
Very Rare
6/110: Tank Mutant
Darkness Creature
Cost: 9 / 6000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@Your opponent chooses one of his creatures in the battle
zone and
destroys it.
Very Rare
7/110: Invincible Cataclysm
Fire Spell
Cost: 13
Choose up to 3 of your opponent's shields and put them into
his graveyard.
Very Rare
8/110: Valiant Warrior Exorious
Fire Creature
Cost: 6 / 4000 Power
This creature can attack untapped creatures. Power attacker
+3000 (While
attacking, this creature gets +3000 power.)
Very Rare
9/110: Invincible Unity
Nature Spell
Cost: 13
Each of your creatures in the battle zone gets +8000 power
and "triple
breaker" until the end of the turn. (A creature that has
"triple breaker"
breaks 3 shields.)
Very Rare
10/110: Splinterclaw Wasp
Nature Creature
Giant Insect
Cost: 7 / 4000 Power
Power attacker +3000 (While attacking, this creature gets
+3000 power.)
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) Whenever
this creature
becomes blocked, it breaks one of your opponent's shields.
Very Rare
11/110: Adomis, the Oracle
Light Creature
Light Bringer
Cost: 3 / 2000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@Choose a shield and look at it. Then put it back where it
12/110: Arc Bine, the Astounding
Light Evolution
Cost: 5 / 5000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Guardians. Each of your light
creatures may
tap instead of attacking to use this creature's @ ability.
@Choose one of
your opponent's creatures in the battle zone and tap it.
13/110: Ballas, Vizier of Electrons
Light Creature
Cost: 2 / 2000 Power
No Effect
14/110: Bonds of Justice
Light Spell
Cost: 4
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield
zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) Tap all
creatures in the
battle zone that don't have "blocker."
15/110: Chekicul, Vizier of Endurance
Light Creature
Cost: 5 / 1000 Power
<B> Blocker. Whenever this creature blocks, no battle
happens. (Both
creatures stay tapped.) This creature can't attack.
16/110: Chen Treg, Vizier of Blades
Light Creature
Cost: 5 / 2000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@Choose one of your opponent's creatures in the battle zone
and tap it.
17/110: Cosmogold, Spectral Knight
Light Creature
Rainbow Phantom
Cost: 4 / 3000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@Return a spell from your mana zone to your hand.
18/110: Dava Torey, Seeker of Clouds
Light Creature
Mechanic Thunder
Cost: 6 / 5500 Power
During your opponent's turn, if this creature would be
discarded from your
hand, put it into the battle zone instead.
19/110: Forbos, Sanctum Guardian Q
Light Creature
Guardian / Survivor
Cost: 6 / 4000 Power
Survivor (Each of your Survivors has this creature's *
ability.) * When you
put this creature into the battle zone, search your deck.
You may take a
spell from your deck, show that spell to your opponent, and
put it into your
hand. Then shuffle your deck.
20/110: Gariel, Elemental of Sunbeams
Light Creature
Angel Command
Cost: 5 / 7500 Power
You can summon this creature only if you have cast a spell
this turn.
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
21/110: Kanesill, the Explorer
Light Creature
Cost: 3 / 4000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this
creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)
This creature
can't attack players.
22/110: Lightning Grass
Light Creature
Starlight Tree
Cost: 3 / 3000 Power
No Effect
23/110: Moontear, Spectral Knight
Light Creature
Rainbow Phantom
Cost: 2 / 3500 Power
You can summon this creature only if you have cast a spell
this turn.
24/110: Protective Force
Light Spell
Cost: 1
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield
zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) One of your
creatures in
the battle zone that has "blocker" gets +4000 power until
the end of the
25/110: Rain of Arrows
Light Spell
Cost: 2
Look at your opponent's hand. He discards all darkness
spells from it.
26/110: Razorpine Tree
Light Creature
Starlight Tree
Cost: 5 / 1000 Power
This creature gets +2000 power for each shield you have.
27/110: Sphere of Wonder
Light Spell
Cost: 4
If your opponent has more shields than you do, add the top
card of your deck
to your shields face down.
28/110: Telitol, the Explorer
Light Creature
Cost: 4 / 3000 Power
<B> Blocker. When you put this creature into the battle
zone, you may look
at your shields. Then put them back where they were. This
creature can't
attack players.
29/110: Vess, the Oracle
Light Creature
Light Bringer
Cost: 1 / 2000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this
creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)
This creature
can't attack players.
30/110: Yuluk, the Oracle
Water Creature
Light Bringer
Cost: 1 / 2500 Power
You can summon this creature only if you have cast a spell
this turn.
31/110: Aqua Rider
Water Creature
Liquid People
Cost: 4 / 2000 Power
Whenever your opponent summons a creature or casts a spell,
this creature
gets "blocker" until the end of the turn. (Whenever an
opponent's creature
attacks, you may tap a creature that has "blocker" to stop
the attack. Then
the 2 creatures battle.)
32/110: Energy Stream
Water Spell
Cost: 3
Draw 2 cards.
33/110: Fort Megacluster
Water Evolution
Cyber Cluster
Cost: 5 / 5000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Cyber Clusters. Each of your
water creatures
may tap instead of attacking to use this creature's @
ability. @Draw a
34/110: Hazard Crawler
Water Creature
Earth Eater
Cost: 5 / 6000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this
creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)
This creature
can't attack.
35/110: King Triumphant
Water Creature
Cost: 8 / 7000 Power
Whenever your opponent summons a creature or casts a spell,
this creature
gets "blocker" until the end of the turn. (Whenever an
opponent's creature
attacks, you may tap a creature that has "blocker" to stop
the attack. Then
the 2 creatures battle.)
36/110: Kyuroro
Water Creature
Cyber Lord
Cost: 6 / 2000 Power
Whenever an opponent's creature would break a shield, you
choose the shield
instead of your opponent.
37/110: Madrillon Fish
Water Creature
Gel Fish
Cost: 2 / 3000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this
creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)
This creature
can't attack.
38/110: Midnight Crawler
Water Creature
Earth Eater
Cost: 8 / 6000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, choose a
card in your
opponent's mana zone and return it to his hand. Double
breaker (This
creature breaks 2 shields.)
39/110: Mystic Dreamscape
Water Spell
Cost: 4
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield
zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) Return up to
3 cards from
your mana zone to your hand.
40/110: Neon Cluster
Water Creature
Cyber Cluster
Cost: 7 / 4000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@Draw 2 cards.
41/110: Overload Cluster
Water Creature
Cyber Cluster
Cost: 5 / 4000 Power
Whenever your opponent summons a creature or casts a spell,
this creature
gets "blocker" until the end of the turn. (Whenever an
opponent's creature
attacks, you may tap a creature that has "blocker" to stop
the attack. Then
the 2 creatures battle.)
42/110: Promephius Q
Water Creature
Sea Hacker / Survivor
Cost: 3 / 2000 Power
No Effect
43/110: Raptor Fish
Water Creature
Gel Fish
Cost: 6 / 3000 Power
When you put this creature into the battle zone, count the
cards in your
hand, shuffle those cards into your deck, then draw that
many cards.
44/110: Ripple Lotus Q
Water Creature
Cyber Virus / Survivor
Cost: 6 / 2000 Power
Survivor (Each of your Survivors has this creature's *
ability.) * When you
put this creature into the battle zone, you may choose one
of your
opponent's creatures in the battle zone and tap it.
45/110: Shock Hurricane
Water Spell
Cost: 5
Return any number of your creatures from the battle zone to
your hand. Then
you may choose that many of your opponent's creatures in the
battle zone and
return them to your opponent's hand.
46/110: Sopian
Water Creature
Cyber Lord
Cost: 4 / 2000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@Choose one of your creatures in the battle zone. It can't
be blocked this
47/110: Spiral Gate
Water Spell
Cost: 2
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield
zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) Choose a
creature in the
battle zone and return it to its owner's hand.
48/110: Steam Star
Water Creature
Cyber Virus
Cost: 2 / 1000 Power
No Effect
49/110: Thrash Crawler
Water Creature
Ground Eater
Cost: 4 / 5000 Power
<B> Blocker. When you put this creature into the battle
zone, return a card
from your mana zone to your hand. This creature can't
50/110: Zepimeteus
Water Creature
Sea Hacker
Cost: 1 / 2000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this
creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)
This creature
can't attack.
51/110: Bazooka Mutant
Darkness Creature
Cost: 4 / 8000 Power
This creature can attack only creatures that have "blocker."
This creature
can't attack players.
52/110: Cursed Pincher
Darkness Creature
Cost: 4 / 2000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this
creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)
Slayer (Whenever
this creature battles, destroy the other creature after the
battle.) This
creature can't attack.
53/110: Death Smoke
Darkness Spell
Cost: 4
Destroy one of your opponent's untapped creatures.
54/110: Frost Specter, Shadow of Age
Darkness Evolution
Cost: 3 / 5000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Ghosts. Each of your Ghosts
in the battle
zone has "slayer." (Whenever a creature that has "slayer"
battles, destroy
the other creature after the battle.)
55/110: Future Slash
Darkness Spell
Cost: 7
Search your opponent's deck. Take up to 2 cards from his
deck and put them
into his graveyard. Then your opponent shuffles his deck.
56/110: Gigagriff
Darkness Creature
Cost: 6 / 4000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this
creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)
Slayer (Whenever
this creature battles, destroy the other creature after the
battle.) This
creature can't attack.
57/110: Gnarvash, Merchant of Blood
Darkness Creature
Demon Command
Cost: 6 / 8000 Power
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) At the end
of each of your
turns, if this is your only creature in the battle zone,
destroy it.
58/110: Grave Worm Q
Darkness Creature
Parasite Worm / Survivor
Cost: 5 / 3000 Power
Survivor (Each of your Survivors has this creature's *
ability.) * When you
put this creature into the battle zone, you may return a
Survivor from your
graveyard to your hand.
59/110: Grim Soul, Shadow of Reversal
Darkness Creature
Cost: 5 / 3000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@Return a darkness creature from your graveyard to your
60/110: Grinning Axe, the Monstrosity
Darkness Creature
Devils Mask
Cost: 3 / 1000 Power
Slayer (Whenever this creature battles, destroy the other
creature after the
61/110: Intense Evil
Darkness Spell
Cost: 3
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield
zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) Destroy any
number of your
creatures. Then draw that many cards.
62/110: Junkatz, Rabid Doll
Darkness Creature
Death Puppet
Cost: 2 / 2000 Power
No Effect
63/110: Lone Tear, Shadow of Solitude
Darkness Creature
Cost: 1 / 2000 Power
At the end of each of your turns, if this is your only
creature in the
battle zone, destroy it.
64/110: Lupa, Poison-Tipped Doll
Darkness Creature
Death Puppet
Cost: 2 / 1000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@One of your creatures in the battle zone gets "slayer"
until the end of
the turn. (Whenever a creature that has "slayer" battles,
destroy the other
creature after the battle.)
65/110: Proclamation of Death
Darkness Spell
Cost: 4
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield
zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) Your
opponent chooses one
of his creatures in the battle zone and destroys it.
66/110: Schuka, Duke of Amnesia
Darkness Creature
Dark Lord
Cost: 6 / 5000 Power
When this creature is destroyed, each player discards his
67/110: Skullcutter, Swarm Leader
Darkness Creature
Devil Mask
Cost: 4 / 4000 Power
At the end of each of your turns, if this is your only
creature in the
battle zone, destroy it.
68/110: Tentacle Worm
Darkness Creature
Parasite Worm
Cost: 4 / 3000 Power
No Effect
69/110: Vile Mulder, Wing of the Void
Darkness Creature
Demon Command
Cost: 4 / 7000 Power
This creature can't attack creatures. Double breaker (This
creature breaks
2 shields.) When this creature battles, destroy it after the
70/110: Zorvaz, the Bonecrusher
Darkness Creature
Demon Command
Cost: 5 / 8000 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this
creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)
This creature
can't attack. When this creature battles, destroy it after
the battle.
71/110: Armored Decimator Valkaizer
Fire Evolution
Cost: 5 / 5000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Humans. When you put this
creature into the
battle zone, you may destroy one of your opponent's
creatures that has power
4000 or less.
72/110: Armored Scout Gestuchar
Fire Creature
Cost: 5 / 4000 Power
While you have no other fire creatures in the battle zone,
this creature has
"power attacker +3000" and "double breaker." (A creature
that has "power
attacker +3000" and "double breaker" gets +3000 power while
attacking and
breaks 2 shields.)
73/110: Automated Weaponmaster Machai
Fire Creature
Cost: 4 / 4000 Power
This creature attacks each turn if able.
74/110: Badlands Lizard
Fire Creature
Dune Gecko
Cost: 5 / 3000 Power
Power attacker +3000 (While attacking, this creature gets
+3000 power.)
Whenever this creature becomes blocked, no battle happens.
(Both creatures
stay tapped.)
75/110: Bazagazeal Dragon
Fire Creature
Armored Dragon
Cost: 8 / 8000 Power
Speed attacker (This creature doesn't get summoning
sickness.)This creature
can attack untapped creatures. Double breaker (This creature
breaks 2
shields.) At the end of your turn, return this creature to
your hand.
76/110: Choya, the Unheeding
Fire Creature
Cost: 2 / 1000 Power
Power attacker +1000 (While attacking, this creature gets
+1000 power.)
Whenever this creature becomes blocked, no battle happens.
(Both creatures
stay tapped.)
77/110: Cocco Lupia
Fire Creature
Cost: 3 / 1000 Power
Your creatures that have Dragon in their race each cost 2
less to summon.
(Dragonoids don't count.) They can't cost less than 2.
78/110: Comet Missile
Fire Spell
Cost: 1
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield
zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) Destroy one
of your
opponent's creatures that has "blocker" and power 6000 or
79/110: Crisis Boulder
Fire Spell
Cost: 4
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield
zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) Your
opponent chooses one
of his creatures in the battle zone or a card in his mana
zone and puts it
into his graveyard.
80/110: Cutthroat Skyterror
Fire Creature
Armored Wyvern
Cost: 3 / 5000 Power
Speed attacker (This creature doesn't get summoning
sickness.) This
creature can't attack players. At the end of your turn,
return this
creature to your hand.
81/110: Legionnaire Lizard
Fire Creature
Dune Gecko
Cost: 6 / 4000 Power
Speed attacker (This creature doesn't get summoning
sickness.)Instead of
having this creature attack, you may tap it to use its @
ability. @One of
your creatures in the battle zone gets "speed attacker"
until the end of the
82/110: Migasa, Adept of Chaos
Fire Creature
Cost: 3 / 2000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@One of your fire creatures in the battle zone gets "double
breaker" until
the end of the turn. (A creature that has "double breaker"
breaks 2
83/110: Phantom Dragon’s Flame
Fire Spell
Cost: 3
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield
zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) Destroy one
of your
opponent's creatures that has power 2000 or less.
84/110: Pikora’s Wrench
Fire Creature
Cost: 2 / 2000 Power
No Effect
85/110: Pyrofighter Magnus
Fire Creature
Cost: 3 / 3000 Power
Speed attacker (This creature doesn't get summoning
sickness.) At the end
of your turn, return this creature to your hand.
86/110: Q-tronic Gargantua
Fire Evolution
Cost: 6 / 9000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Survivors. Crew breaker -
Survivor (This
creature breaks one more shield for each of your other
Survivors in the
battle zone.)
87/110: Rikabu’s Screwdriver
Fire Creature
Xeno Parts
Cost: 2 / 1000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@Destroy one of your opponent's creatures that has
88/110: Rumblesaur Q
Fire Creature
Rock Beast / Survivor
Cost: 6 / 3000 Power
Survivor (Each of your Survivors has this creature's *
ability.) *Speed
attacker (This creature doesn't get summoning sickness.)
89/110: Spastic Missile
Fire Spell
Cost: 3
Destroy one of your opponent's creatures that has power 3000
or less.
90/110: Torchclencher
Fire Creature
Cost: 3 / 2000 Power
While you have at least one other fire creature in the
battle zone, this
creature has "Power attacker +3000 (While attacking, this
creature gets
+3000 power)."
91/110: Bliss Totem, Avatar of Luck
Nature Creature
Mystery Totem
Cost: 6 / 5000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@Put up to 3 cards from your graveyard into your mana zone.
92/110: Cantankerous Giant
Nature Creature
Cost: 7 / 8000 Power
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
93/110: Carrier Shell
Nature Creature
Colony Beetle
Cost: 3 / 2000 Power
Power attacker +3000 (While attacking, this creature gets
+3000 power.)
94/110: Charmilia, the Enticer
Nature Creature
Snow Fairy
Cost: 4 / 3000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@Search your deck. You may take a creature from your deck,
show that
creature to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Then
shuffle your
95/110: Clobber Totem
Nature Creature
Mystery Totem
Cost: 6 / 4000 Power
Power attacker +2000 (While attacking, this creature gets
+2000 power.)
This creature can't be blocked by any creature that has
power 5000 or less.
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
96/110: Dimension Gate
Nature Spell
Cost: 3
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield
zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) Search your
deck. You may
take a creature from your deck, show that creature to your
opponent, and put
it into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
97/110: Factory Shell Q
Nature Creature
Colony Beetle / Survivor
Cost: 6 / 2000 Power
Survivor (Each of your Survivors has this creature's *
ability.) *When you
put this creature into the battle zone, search your deck.
You may take a
Survivor from your deck, show that Survivor to your
opponent, and put it
into your hand. Then shuffle your deck.
98/110: Faerie Life
Nature Spell
Cost: 2
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield
zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) Put the top
card of your
deck into your mana zone.
99/110: Feather Horn, the Tracker
Nature Creature
Horn Beast
Cost: 4 / 4000 Power
No Effect
100/110: Forbidding Totem
Nature Creature
Mystery Totem
Cost: 5 / 4000 Power
Your opponent's attacking creatures attack Mystery Totems if
101/110: Garabon, the Glider
Nature Creature
Snow Fairy
Cost: 2 / 1000 Power
Power attacker +2000 (While attacking, this creature gets
+2000 power.)
102/110: Illusory Berry
Nature Creature
Cost: 3 / 3000 Power
No Effect
103/110: Innocent Hunter, Blade of All
Nature Creature
Cost: 4 / 1000 Power
You can put an evolution creature of any race on this
104/110: Living Citadel Vosh
Nature Evolution
Colony Beetle
Cost: 5 / 5000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Colony Beetles. Each of your
creatures may tap instead of attacking to use this
creature's @ ability.
@Put the top card of your deck into your mana zone.
105/110: Mighty Bandit, Ace of Thieves
Nature Creature
Cost: 3 / 2000 Power
Instead of having this creature attack, you may tap it to
use its @ ability.
@One of your creatures in the battle zone gets +5000 power
until the end
of the turn.
106/110: Mystic Treasure Chest
Nature Spell
Cost: 3
Search your deck. You may take a non-nature card from your
deck and put it
into your mana zone. Then shuffle your deck.
107/110: Pangaea’s Will
Nature Spell
Cost: 3
<ST> Shield trigger (When this spell is put into your hand
from your shield
zone, you may cast it immediately for no cost.) Choose one
of your
opponent's evolution creatures in the battle zone and put
the top card of
that creature into your opponent's mana zone.
108/110: Paradise Horn
Nature Creature
Horn Beast
Cost: 4 / 3000 Power
Power attacker +2000 (While attacking, this creature gets
+2000 power.)
109/110: Slumber Shell
Nature Creature
Colony Beetle
Cost: 2 / 2000 Power
No Effect
110/110: Trench Scarab
Nature Creature
Giant Insect
Cost: 3 / 4000 Power
This creature can't attack players. Power attacker +4000
(While attacking,
this creature gets +4000 power.)
S01/S10: Craze Valkyrie, the Drastic
Light Evolution
Cost: 6 / 7500 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Initiates. When you put this
creature into
the battle zone, choose up to 2 of your opponent's creatures
in the battle
zone and tap them. Double breaker (This creature breaks 2
Super Rare
S02/S10: Laveil, Seeker of Catastrophe
Light Creature
Cost: 8 / 8500 Power
<B> Blocker (Whenever an opponent's creature attacks, you
may tap this
creature to stop the attack. Then the 2 creatures battle.)
At the end of
each of your turns, you may untap this creature. Double
breaker (This
creature breaks 2 shields.)
Super Rare
S03/S10: Crystal Jouster
Water Evolution
Liquid People
Cost: 7 / 7000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Liquid People. Double breaker
(This creature
breaks 2 shields.) When this creature would be destroyed,
return it to your
hand instead.
Super Rare
S04/S10: Qtronic Hypermind
Water Evolution
Cost: 8 / 8000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Survivors. When you put this
creature into
the battle zone, you may draw a card for each Survivor in
the battle zone.
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Super Rare
S05/S10: Diaidalos, General of Fury
Darkness Creature
Demon Command
Cost: 4 / 11000 Power
Whenever this creature attacks, destroy one of your
creatures. Double
breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.)
Super Rare
S06/S10: Phantasmal Horror Gigazald
Darkness Evolution
Cost: 5 / 5000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Chimeras. Each of your
darkness creatures
may tap instead of attacking to use this creature's @
ability. @Your
opponent discards a card at random from his hand.
Super Rare
S07/S10: Bolmeteus Steel Dragon
Fire Creature
Armored Dragon
Cost: 7 / 7000 Power
Double breaker (This creature breaks 2 shields.) Whenever
this creature
would break a shield, your opponent puts that shield into
his graveyard
Super Rare
S08/S10: Lava Walker Executo
Fire Evolution
Cost: 4 / 5000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Dragonoids. Each of your fire
creatures may
tap instead of attacking to use this creature's @ability.
@One of your fire
creatures in the battle zone gets +3000 power until the end
of the turn.
Super Rare
S09/S10: Cliffcrush Giant
Nature Creature
Cost: 5 / 7000 Power
While you have any other untapped creatures in the battle
zone, this
creature can't attack. Double breaker (This creature breaks
2 shields.)
Super Rare
S10/S10: Ultra Mantis, Scourge of Fate
Nature Evolution
Giant Insect
Cost: 6 / 9000 Power
Evolution - Put on one of your Giant Insects. This creature
can't be
blocked by any creature that has power 8000 or less. Double
breaker (This
creature breaks 2 shields.)
Super Rare