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Duel Masters Tournament Report

Galactic Quest in Lawrenceville, Georgia - Steven Cantrell
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Five Dollar Entry Fee
Fourteen Duelists
Matches best 2 of 3; 4 Swiss Rounds


Hey Guys! Sorry I haven’t written a report the last few weeks. This tournament was nothing special, but April 8-9th is a huge “Gamers Marathon” event at Galactic Quest. Everyone is looking forward to it and the Stompatrons release event. If you’re in the Atlanta area or can make the trip, check out GQ’s website at www.galacticquest.com.


I was short on time this week before the tourny, but I wanted to try something other than control. My choice? Water (Lancer and Merfolk) with some Terror Pits thrown in. I know, its taking the easy way out with Merfolk, but I needed to take it for a spin at least once.  As an added bonus, Lee wasn’t here to tell me off for it. Here’s the exact deck list:


Creatures [30]

4x Emeral

4x Corile

4x Illusionary Merfolk


4x Aqua Guard

4x Aqua Jolter

4x Aqua Hulcus

2x Crystal Paladin

4x Crystal Lancer


Spells [14]

4x Spiral Gate

4x Brain Serum

2x Teleportation

4x Terror Pit


This deck flows very well. My ideal start is with Emeral setting a Pit on turn two, followed up by draw power the next few turns (Hulcus, Serum, Merfolk). Lancer is the late game finisher with Paladin for blocker heavy opponents. Bounce is a nice side touch for offensive or defensive use. Now onto the tournament:


Round One: Vs Patrick Smallwood (Mono Green)

The Nature civilization fits Patrick well. For some reason he stopped using the [insert choice word here] Obsidian Scarabs from Civs, but now FDF and Barkwhip form the backbone of his deck. I strangely never saw any Raging Dash-Horn.


Patrick started fast with Barkwhips. But my deck is made to handle evolutions, as Corile and Terror Pit hit the board. Later on I even Corile’d an Evo stack of BAT, Barkwhip, and FDF. Then all his shields disappeared over the next two turns to end duel one. The next battle was far easier thanks to multiple Merfolk. Lets just say I won with 13 mana and 11 cards in hand.


Record: 2-0


I do have to give Smallwood some credit for his quote of the day though. “If I could just draw the right card at the right time I would win. Unfortunatly, I’m not on a television show…”


Round Two: Vs Stephan Slack (Black/Yellow/Blue Hurricane)

Slack won our Five Civs tournament about a month ago with Merfolk. Since then his DCI rank has skyrocked enough for him to stop using control. Today he was messing around with a 46-card Hydro Hurricane monstrosity.


This match was slow because we both like to take time and set up the field. First duel he absolutely screwed my hand with Ghost Touchs, followed by Ghost Touch, followed by Locomotiver. I managed to come back though before he could do severe damage with Hurricane. Lancer led a late charge where I luckily had enough creatures to take all his shields at once. The next two went along these lines: He played Mist Rias, I could never kill it, game over. Stephan got tons of mana and a huge hand here. Not to mention two rounds of disasterous Hurricanes crashing on my field. Good, close duels, but I still lost one to two.


Record: 3-2


Round Three: Vs Stephen Fordham (Black/Blue Control)

This kid has a lot of potential, and he knows what deck type is the best. Stephan has a good grasp of Duel Masters for only being about 11 years old. I enjoy play any of the three Fordham brothers that come here.


The first duel he never stood a chance. Crystal Lancer swarm finished this quickly, but our next bout was much closer. Stephen almost won when I forgot he had Paladin in hand, but a Pit set by Emeral saved me. After that I took control with 3x Merfolk to have plenty of hand and mana. His Horrid Worm was on the receiving end of multiple bounce cards too.


Record: 5-2


Round Four: Vs Justin Fordham (Black/Blue Control)

Is this deja vu or what? I basically get to replay round three since Justin and Stephan have carbon copied decks. Justin is a likeable little kid with decent skills.


This entire match was mine without question. Merfolk completely pwned him, but Justin did put up a fight with Chaos Worm. I also Coriled/Gated his Gregorian Worm to make him replay it about five times. The main thing here was that I felt sorry for the kid and kind of let him win one duel. This came back to bite me in the butt later because I forgot the final standings were now calculated by win percentage and strength of victory, not just record points.


Record: 7-3

The Aftermath:

When the final ranking were announced, I ended up third behind Tyler Smallwood and Stephan Slack. Unfortunatly, the prize support wasn’t very good today so I didn’t win jack squat. That was fine by me though, because my pack for entering contained a foil that costs six mana from Evo-Crushinators……





......Ethel, Star Sea Elemental! Did you really think I’m lucky enough to pull FDF? Today was pretty good overall. Next we’ll I can probably  make it back, then not long after that is the big Gamers Marathon. Please come if you can!



Third Place finish

Stompatrons for looking so incredibly sexy



Merfolk for being br0ken

Me for using it

My DCI ranking for NOT MOVING!


Again, this is Steven Cantrell from down in Georgia. AIM is Smcman7 and my screenname on the Realms is Thrash-494. I’m always up for challenges, especially this Friday (can you say no school?). I still haven’t figured out how to end these things, so um, the end.



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