Subject: bomb em' and leave-shawn starting out you need a rookie green lantern. then you need two cheap taxi's like vulture or man-bat. folowing that you need four big gunners like firelord or cyclops. put someone cheap with outwit on this little squad. now your almost there you only need four more people someone cheap with telekinisis a doombot and two cheap people with barrier. now you want to send seven people up with green lantern. your two taxi's which stay in the back. your person with outwit which will stay to either side of green lantern. then your four gunners in the remaining spaces in the front. you run all of them up using the green lantern team ability, then if needed run your person with outwit into the open and otwut a characters defense. after this you start shooting away. your group shuold look like this. ggg g=gunner g lo l=lantern o=outwit t t t=taxi once you've completely blown your oponents mind by how much damage you've done use your telekinisis to throw doombot up by one of taxi's then with one of your taxi's pick up green lantern from the middle and put him in the empty spot in back. then use your other taxi to pick up doombot and put him in the empty spot in the middle. now your doombot will use his wildcard team ability to use green lanterns team ability and carry everybody back. your group should look like this. ggg gdo d=doombot t l t then once you've brought them back put up a barrier aroud them. if you want to email me back my email adrress is