JSS Qualifier
The Game Closet, Waco TX
February 17, 2001
weekend we held a JSS Challenge tournament at The Game
CLoset in
Waco,TX. We had a lower turnout than expected.
We only had 16 participants.
Not a big deal though, several palyers have
already committed to attending
our next JSS Challenge on April 7th. Anyway I'll
give you a quick overview
and then a listing of decks, since I know that is what
you want anyway.
First of all, I will say that
the final four played well most of the
day, that is how they got their spots. I saw
several play mistakes, a little
bit of sloppy play, and a few strange judgement calls
during the day. I'm
not knocking the kids however, they still did a helluva
job and put up the
solid effort. There were a few card choices and
decks that sprung up during
the event, but not many. The winner, Ross Taylor
was already invited to JSS
Nationals. He had won his seat two weeks prior.
So, the slots went to
Andrew Parsons and Chris Coker. Several of the
decks were pretty standard,
but I am sure you will see a few surprise cards, and a
pretty interesting
deck type among the group. Enjoy.
Ross Taylor
4 Spiketail Hatchling
4 Rishidan Airship
4 Chimeric Idol
4 Washout
4 Thwart
4 Foil
4 Troublesome Spirit
4 Opt
3 Sky Diamond
4 Gush
21 Islands
4 Boomerang
3 Tsabo's Web
4 Submerge
4 Prohibit
Chris Coker
4 Lin Sivvi
1 Thermal Glider
2 Defiant Falcon
4 Parallax Wave
2 Ramosian Sky Marshal
4 Crusade
1 Rebel Informer
4 Disenchant
3 Steadfast Guard
3 Longbow ARcher
4 Ramosian Sergeant
2 Defiant Vanguard
2 Dustbowl
2 Kor Haven
4 Brushland
16 Plains
2 Rishidan Port
3 Exile
1 Crackdown
3 Seal of Clensing
1 Lawbringer
2 Mageta the Lion
1 Rout
2 Wrath of God
2 Armageddon
3rd Place
Andrew Parsons
2 Daze
4 Spiktail Hatchling
4 Gush
3 Foil
4 Washout
4 Troublesome SPirit
3 Opt
4 Chimeric Idol
4 Rishidan Airship
4 Thwart
20 Island
4 Rishidan Port
3 Rising Waters
4 Submerge
3 Prodigal Sorcerer
4 Disrupt
1 Misdirection
4th Place
Larry Cathey
4 Fires
3 Ancient Hydra
3 Ghitu Fire
2 Rith, The Awakener
4 Saproling Burst
4 Chimeric Idol
4 Blastoderm
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Llanowar Elves
3 Wax/Wane
4 Karplusan Forest
4 Brushland
7 Mountain
8 Forest
1 Obliterate
2 Flashfire
2 Boil
4 Kavu Chameleon
3 Tangle
3 Simoon
5th Place
Silvia Vasquez
4 Tangel Wire
4 Stone Rain
4 Pillage
1 Squee
1 Seismic Mage
1 Taskmage assembly
2 Two-Headed Dragon
1 Flowstone Overseer
3 Earthquake
3 Fire Diamond
2 Chimeric Idol
4 Seal of Fire
3 Cave-In
3 Hammer of Bogardan
2 Tectonic Break
17 Mountain
3 Rishidan Port
3 Dust Bowl
1 Rath's Edge
4 Flashfire
2 Chimeric Idol
1 Boil
3 Cursed Totem
2 Brutal Supression
1 Keldon Firebombers
6th Place
Grant McGuffee Counter
4 Ramosian Sergeant
2 Defiant Falcon
4 Brainstorm
2 Wrath of God
3 Disenchant
1 Jhovall Queen
1 Ramosian Sky Marshal
1 Rebel Informer
1 Dominate
2 Lin Sivvi
2 Defiant Vanguard
4 Absorb
4 Counterspell
1 Rout
2 Fact or Fiction
11 Island
4 Plains
4 Adarkar Wastes
4 Coastal Tower
4 Prohibit
1 Disenchant
2 Fact or Fiction
1 Dominate
2 MAgeta the Lion
2 Circle of PRotection: Green
2 Wrath of God
1 Rout
7th Place
Mark Sheffield
1 Aura mutation
3 Wax/Wane
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Birds of PAradise
3 Jade Leech
3 Blastoderm
4 Armageddon
4 Chimeric Idol
4 River Boa
2 Rith. The Awakener
4 Karplusan Forest
4 Brushland
3 City of Brass
4 Rishidan Port
9 Forest
3 Armadillo Cloak
4 Kavu Chameleon
3 Hurricane
3 Tsabo's Decree
2 Simoon
8th Place
Truett Kueck 5c
4 Birds of PAradise
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Utopia Tree
4 River Boa
4 Blastoderm
3 Armageddon
4 Parallax Wave
3 Disenchant
4 Shock
3 Vampiric Tutor
3 Fact or Fiction
1 Rith, The awakener
1 Teva, The Renewer
2 Adarkar Waste
2 Brushland
2 Karplusan Forest
2 Sulphurous Spring
2 Undergound River
3 City of Brass
8 Forest
3 Armadillo Cloak
3 Kavu Chameleon
2 Obliterate
2 Boil
2 Flashfire
3 Tsabo's Decree