Closet Cash Tournament for March 3, 2001
Ok guys, this is what you have all
been looking for since the release of
Planeshift a month ago. This is the first report
on the net with a decklist
for the new format. I am going to give a slight
overview of what some of the
people thought and or said about various decks in
addition to the decklisting.
The day was full to the brim with
events. It started with some cold
weather and lots of rain. I was expecting about a
20 to 25 person turnout,
but low and beyond we had 38 players drive into town.
You heard correctly, *
38*, players. The day even involved rabbits.
If you really want to find
out, you'll have to e-mail me or ask some one who
attended :) We had
everyone from casual players to Pro Tour regulars.
Even some palyers that
hadn't attened any tournaments in a while (Bill Macey)
attended this event.
Something else I would like to point
out, is that the environment has not
slowed down all that much. As a matter of fact,
one of the decks that didn't
even finish in the Top 8 had a match win recorded at 9
minutes and 18
seconds. And no, there was no mana screw involved.
Several of the decks in
the field still pack some speed. I think overall
that we are in a truly
balanced environment. This is by no means the best
of what is to come out of
Planeshift. Several players were already
brainstorming more ideas as the
night went on.
The winner, Jonathan Pechon, was
playing a pretty standard deck for the
most part. The only noticeable part about his deck
was the Gainsay in his
sideboard. The runner-up, Bud Schreiber, was
playing a home-brewed
concoction. He had a lot of standard cards, but
did make good use of the
Thornscape Battlemage and Sparkcaster. However, he
agreed that the
Sparkcaster should have been Blastoderm. Horned
Kavu might have been MVP of
his deck, it was very good. Fourth place, Bill
Macey, was borrowing his deck
from fifth place, Adrian Sayers, who was playing a new
U/B variant. The
third and fourth place players were playing identical
decks. Rob Lawing and
the Guildamges out of Dallas apparently created it.
Beyond the main tournament, we had a
blast. We held booster drafts on
the side. We even had a team trio sealed
tournament. All in all, we had a
blast and everyone enjoyed themselves dispite the bad
weather. Several
players were asking when our next couple of events were
going to be held.
Everyone can't wait to come back and play. The
store may prove to be a good
training ground for regionals. E-mail me to get
dates and times for a next
events. Hope to see you all there.
Enough of my ranting, on to the
Jonathan Pechon Counter Rebel
4 Counterspell
4 Absorb
2 Power Sink
4 Accumulated Knowledge
4 Brainstorm
4 Wrath of God
2 Rout
2 Disenchant
2 dismantling Blow
3 Lin Sivvi
2 Defiant Vanguard
1 Defiant Falcon
1 Ramosian Sky MArshall
2 Jhovall Queen
4 Adarkar Wastes
3 Coastal Tower
9 Plains
9 Islands
4 Gainsay
2 Washout
2 Misdirection
2 Story Circle
3 Mageta, The Lion
1 Rebel Informer
1 Teferi's Response
2nd Place
Bud Schreiber
What The?!
3 Thornscape Battlemage
4 Birds of Paradise
3 Horned Kavu
3 Sparkcaster
4 Llanowar Elves
3 Flametongue Kavu
4 Armageddon
4 Chimeric Idol
4 Shivan Wurm
3 Hull Breach
3 River Boa
4 Rith's Grove
8 Forest
4 Karplusan Forest
3 Sulphurous Spring
1 Dust Bowl
2 Brushland
4 Armadillo Cloak
4 Kavu Chameleon
3 Tsabo's Decree
2 Simoon
2 Flashfires
3RD Place
Rob Lawing R/G Sligh
3 Raging Goblin
4 Lightning Blast
4 Skizzik
4 Urza's Rage
4 Shock
4 Rogue Kavu
3 Mogg Sentry
2 Hammer of Bogardan
2 Rhystic Lightning
3 Seal of Fire
4 Chimeric Idol
2 Shivan Wurm
2 Rith's Grove
2 Forest
15 Mountain
1 Rath's Edge
2 Rishidan Port
3 Earthquake
3 Flashfires
2 Flameshot
1 Slingshot Goblin
3 Hull Brach
3 Boil
4TH Place
Chad Koss
R/G Sligh
4 Rogue Kavu
2 Rhystic Lightning
2 Shivan Wurm
4 Skizzik
3 Raging Goblin
4 Urza's Rage
4 Chimeric Idol
2 Hammer of Bogardan
2 Ghitu Fire
3 Seal of Fire
3 Mogg Sentry
4 Shock
2 Lightning Blast
2 Rishidan Port
1 Rath's Edge
15 Mountain
4 Forest
4 Flashfires
3 Earthquake
3 Boil
2 Flameshot
3 Hull Breach
5TH Place
Bill Macey Monowhite
4 Longbow Archers
4 Parallax Wave
3 Lin Sivvi
3 Defiant Vanguard
4 Crusade
2 Defiant Falcon
3 Disenchant
2 Ramosian Sky MArshall
1 Story Circle
1 Jhovall Queen
4 Ramosian Sergeant
4 Steadfast Guard
1 Rath's Edge
2 Dust Bowl
1 Kor Haven
21 Plains
1 Disenchant
1 Defiant Vanguard
3 Exile
2 Seal of Cleansing
2 Mageta, the Lion
3 Wrath of God
3 Armageddon
6TH Place
Adrian Sayers
U/B Control
3 Washout
2 Thwart
2 Foil
4 Opt
4 Counterspell
4 Accumulated Knowledge
2 Tsabo's Decree
4 Undermine
4 Air elemental
3 Exclude
2 Repulse
1 Browse
15 Islands
2 Swamps
4 Salt Marsh
4 Underground River
1 Exclude
3 Lobotomy
2 Power Sink
3 Withdraw
3 Disrupt
1 Washout
2 Tsabo's Decree
7TH Place
Jeremy Simmons Fires
4 Saproling Burst
4 Blastoderm
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Birds of Paradise
1 Thornscape Battlemage
3 Ghitu Fire
2 Blaze
1 Ancient Hydra
1 Flametongue Kavu
1 Thunderscape Battlemage
4 Fires of Yavimaya
4 Eledmri's Call
2 Shivan Wurm
1 Sabertooth Nishoba
1 Fleetfoot Panther
1 Rith's Grove
3 City of Brass
1 Mountain
1 Dust Bowl
4 Forest
1 Rishidan Port
1 Plains
4 Brushland
4 Karplusan Forest
2 Kavu Chameleon
2 Simoon
2 Earthquake
2 Wax/Wane
2 Circle of Protection:Red
1 Radiant Kavu
1 Tsabo's Decree
1 Squallmonger
1 Thornscape Battlemage
1 Rebel Informer
8TH Place
Mark Sheffield
1 Ancient Hydra
2 Flametongue Kavu
3 River Boa
3 Ghitu Fire
4 Llanowar Elves
3 Chimeric Idol
1 Two-Headed Dragon
4 Saproling Burst
4 Blastoderm
1 Rith, the Awakener
3 Urza's Rage
4 Fires of Yavimaya
4 Birds od Paradise
2 Aura Mutation
3 Shivan Wurm
2 City of Brass
4 Karplusan Forest
11 Forest
4 Mountain
2 Flashfires
2 boil
2 Gaea's Herald
2 Hurricane
3 Kavu Chameleon
2 Simoon
2 Tsabo's Decree