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Nether Go
Jason Imperiale
Seldon, NY
JSS qualifier
Hi my name is Jason Imperiale i started playing
magic about when masques
cam out but because of friends i was able to get pretty
good pretty fast. So
about a month ago i went to play in a jss in brooklyn .
I played my favorite
kinda deck...control although i can play any deck kinda
deck pretty good. So
i played u/w angel control and wound up going 1-2-1,
yeah. So i knew i liked
the deck but it had to do better against obliterate and
white mana screw lol.
So after reading an article on the sb entitled u/w
nether go. I think u/b
nether go lost to a kavu chameleon i mean when that hits
play and they have
mana open and cards in there hand ...your dead., but u/w
has wrath of god. So
after doing really heavy testing with it i decided it
was worth
the risk to play it. heres the deck.
3x nether spirit
4x countetspell
4x absorb
4x fact or fiction
4x ackumulated knowledge
2x probe
1x recall
2x millstone
4x wrath of god
3x dismantling blow
2x storycircle
1x dominate
1x teferis moat
1x tsabos web
1x misdirecion
4x coastal tower
4x adakar watses
7x plains ( so many due to sideboard )
8x island
3x bliding angel
2x mageeta the lion
2x rout
2x cursed totum
1x teferis moat
2x millstone
2x disenchant
1x tsabos web
ok so thats the deck it did pretty good and seemed to
work well. OK well
heres the report.
Round 1: kai buddes rebel deck... i think
game1: Well i usually dont expect to beat rebels
first game... and i didnt.
i get out the nether and hold him off for a little while
but then comes night
wind glider and i didnt see a wtrath till turn 20 hmm.
i sb in 10 cards: 3 angel 2 mageeta 2 totum 1 web 2
rout. take out 3 nethers
2 probe 1 recall and 4 other cards
game 2: well thisnext game goes pretty well. i have a
mageeta with lots of
food in my hand and it wasnt long till i won.
game 3: he plays a land and sergant I play a land and
say go. he plays land
and plays falcoln. I play a land and play
totum... The chain stops there.
It wasnt long after a rout to see my angel come down and
10 turns later the
game was mine.
1-0 2-1
round 2: fires
First game: was going good i had a stroy circle red
and a teferis moat green
but havent really see any way i can win and his 2 headed
dragon and shivan
wurm were sttin there liked tamed dogs. Finally i
draw...dominate. The 2
headed dragon is mine and five or six turns later i won.
sbin: 3x blinding angel 2x rout 1x web 1x moat 2x
sbout: 3 nethers 2 probe 1 recall 3 other cards
secong game: Not to sure bout this gamw but i no he only
had 2 land and like
4 mana guys amd after i wrathed he was kinda mana
screwed and after
disenchanting his chimeric idol i came with an angel for
the kill.
2-0 4-1
3rd round: fires
Note before round kid was making fun of my deck and last
name i prob out
wieghed him by about 50 and coulda killed him but i
decided i would resort to
detrooying him in magic.
1st game: i sat there with nether spirit chumping and
and coming back finally
i killed him with a millstone. He played lots of shivan
sb in: check last round
sb out: chech last round
2nd game: a story circle green clicnched the game but i
couldnt find an angel
so i had to win with a millstone...long and boring
3-0 6-1
note: i am very hungry and all my matches have taken the
full 50 minutes im
almost happy about this next macth
3rd round suicide black
1st game: i get totally whire mana screwed and can wrath
his scuta and cant
dismantlig blow his idol.
sb in: 2 rout 2 mill 2disenchant
2nd game: he plays like 3 idols and i get totlly
desttroyed. o well cant win
em all.
3-1 6-3
note: this match took about 6 mnis and so did my friends
and i got to eat for
the 1st time that day
5th round: cowardice
Tha was a good metagaming choice but t was horrible
against my deck
1st game: i wrath away 2 sand squids and an air
elemental and my spirits just
sit there because of rstic deluge. I eventually win with
the mill stone
sb in: 2 routs 2 mill 1 moat
sb out: 3 nethers and 2 probe
2nd game: im running a creatureless deck which means
half his spells are
worth less . I get out a double millstone and hes dead
soon enough. This was
probably my easiest mathup of the day.
4-1 8-3
6th round: fires
Intentional draw to get into top 8
Top 8:
1st seat: counter rebel
2nd seat: mono brown almost wildfire thing
3rd seat: fires
4th seat: fires
5th seat: rebels
6th seat: suicide black
7th seat: u/w nether go :-)
8th seat: u/w millstone howling mine thing
quater finals: verse mon brown wildfire thing
I'll explain this deck first It as 4 skizik 4 idol lots
of burn and 4 fire
diamonds + earth quake
game1: He seemed to get mana flooded and everytime he
burnd my nether to stay
alive, he came back.
Sb in: 2 disenchant 2 millstone
sb out:?
game 2 he tried out a different startagey... he threw
every burn spell he
drew at me and thatt combined with boil and flash fires
is some good
game 3 is crazy: hes returning a hammer every turn and
im milling him twice
every turn...its a big race i have counetrs and
misdirecions though and
countering a hamer with an absorb is like counetring 2.
Well it ends up like
this on his turn he taps out to hammer me and i go to 1.
hes tapped out and
at the end of his turn i mill all his cards off the top
of his deck. now its
his turn he untaps and has 1 card in his hand if its any
insatnt burn spell i
lose...Its a hammer :-) wow what a game.
Well its not good cause the suicide black deck won and
that was my only loss
semi fianls: suicide black deck
game 1: I get a much better hand and am able to play
story circle balck and
counter the idol + get the nether spirit in the
graveyard. Well the nether
spririt is the answer and wins me the game pretty quick.
Sb in: 2 rout 2 disenchant 2 mill
game2: This game i lost to stupidity I keep milling him
and chuming his scuta
with my nether but 1 turn when i was at 8 i forgot to
bring back the nther
and he sinister strenghed and beat me. I seriously
wanted to puch myself.
game 3: i was mad and i must admit i played "
perfect magic" lol> he goes all
out on second turn and gets out a idol wirth a tangle
wire luckly i had the
disenchant and tyapped the lanmd for maan instead of to
the tangler wire and
disenchanted he was handless and we sat there fore a
couple of turns but
after playing a mill backed up by LOTS of counters i won
it took a
while...but i did.
Note after deck check in the other semis match someone
wrote 4 idols twice
and got a game loss and counter rebel beat him.
Finals: counter rebel
Game1 i got slaughtered the rebel chain was big and i
was whitemana screwed
stuck at 1 and couldnt even wrath with counter back up.
O well what can yado.
Sb in: 2 mageeta 3 angel 2 rout 2 totum
game 2: i discovered that he played aura blast over
disenchant or seal fo
cleansing so my second turn totum was prett much game it
took a while but
mageeta finally sealed it for me
Now i was nevous going onto the 3rd game playing for 2
boxes and a 1000$
scholarship but all went well.
game 3: This game was really good i got out 2 cursed
totum 1 story circle
white 2 blinding angel and a mageeta and a millstone
playing heavy on defense
i just milled and never attcked... It wored and i own
the whole thing.
Even better my grand parents that live in florida said i
could take theplane
down by myself and thy would met me there and take me to
the big jss
hopefully i could win the 20,000. It would be nice.
Thanks for reading and
any help would be appreciated
jay0374@aol.com . By the way is apocalypse 7th edition
because i read in a
magazine apocalypseis legal jun 1st the day of the jss
and that would be
wierd because there would be no true meta game when no
lone knows or has any
of cards of the new set. Thanks for reading.