As promised in the
Pojo Message board, here is a version of the High Tides deck that is legally
playable in the Peasant format. The basic idea is to cast High Tide, then
repeatedly bounce the Faeries or Drake back to your hand, cast Prosperity to
look for more High Tides and more bounce spells and do the whole thing over
again. The deck wins through Prosperity and Feldon’s Cane and has to be played
by the seat of your pants. As with most combo decks, practice makes perfect but
a rule of thumb is that if you try to go off turn 6 or 7 even if you don’t have
all the combo pieces and you never try to go off before turn 4 or 5. The deck
tends to lose to Red Burn decks since Red can zap the creatures in response to
bounce but can beat the rest of the field consistently.
2 Peregrine Drake
3 Prosperity
3 Cloud of Faeries
4 Frantic Search
4 Merchant Scroll
1 Rewind
4 Snap
2 Rescue
4 Seal of Removal
1 Capsize
2 Feldon’s Cane
4 Lotus Petal
22 Island
-Jason Chapman