[mailto:smashattack1@msn.com] Top 10 Lists Terker Knight's lists of top 10 Megaman cards Top 10 battle chips! 1. M-Cannon 2. Geddon3 3. WideSword 4. Dark Cannon 5. Double Point 6. Invisable 7. Jealousy 8. Recovery200 9. Hi-cannon 10. Barrier (just for the Fiery Barrier combo) P.S. ElecShock is gonna rock! When Grave releases this card will go between M- cannon and geddon3 knocking off Barrier! Top 10 Net Navis 1. MagicMan 2. Airman 3. Wackoman 4. Pharaohman 5. Snakeman 6. Protoman, Unbeatable 7. Megaman, NetWarrior 8. TorchMan 9. GutsMan 10. Roll (as long as its a Red Roll deck, implimenting fiery net navi)