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Loretta's Pokemon Toy Blog
May 23, 2011

Something Old, Something New
... and Something Blue!


I'm sure I was the last to notice this past week, as I didn't hit Target on Sunday 5/15, but I did happen to see a box or two (mostly empty) of B&W mini plush at local Targets the Friday prior.  On my way to pick-up my pick-up (LOL) from the shop on Tuesday, I checked the Target next door and lo-!, a spectrum of Jakks products!!!  After only carrying a few types of Jakks toys for at least the last year, Target now has most of what Toys 'R' Us has been trying to stock recently.  This is good news for all you folks hunting for figure singles, something my local Targets have not carried in a long, long time.  It appears the hottest sellers are the figure singles and possibly the mini plush--but the mini plush aren't carried in the same numbers as figures.  Also, I noticed Wal-mart was resetting shelves over the past weekend and had plan-o-grams taped to the pegs which noted new Pokemon merch. to come (unsure what wave, unspecified on diagram).


Now for my Friday finds--a great big thank you to my friend Mieko-san for the "Something Old"--this absolutely adorable Gold and Silver era bento box!  Every time I go into the Japanese gift shop, all I ever see is Hello Kitty, so imagine my surprise when Mieko-san presented me with this cute lunch box!  Now I am getting hungry for some seasoned rice (you know the sprinkles they sell with the Pikachu faces for your rice...).  Thanks so much Mieko-san, Arigato Gozaimasu!


"Something New" are these awesome B&W candy-toy figures I found at the Japanese market!  I'd seen these Bandai figures online and thought, "only in my dreams," as I do not order online (I just got done reading someone's online nightmare on the Livejournal Collectors' site, so... I'm old school about shopping!).  There were only a few of these toys in the candy rack--$5.99 a box.  I snared Ash, Jesse and... JAMES!  Yes, I have a huge crush on James (but my heart belongs to Snape along with about half the female fan population in the world right now, right?).


Finally, "Something Blue" is this new DK Reader I found at Barnes and Noble for $3.99.  My punny little header with the bridal theme is somewhat appropo--guess which cute li'l Pokemon is also featured in Meet Ash's Pikachu?  Do I really have to give you a hint?  OK, my clue to you is the Pokemon wearing the Hello Kitty kimono a few columns ago, you can go back in Pojo's News to find that if you can't guess (OMG, are you serious?!).


Well, it's time to clean the BUNEARY cage for the evening.  Happy Spring Shopping!  Pika!




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