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melanie gibson < wrote:

Honestly, I don't know much about pokemon, but my 2 sons got me playing it and I have a few questions. No matter what combo of pokemon I use, I can't seem to get past the gyn leader in sootopolis city. ( I'm playing Ruby Version). I also made the mistake of NOT getting the Groundon, my sons haven't forgiven me yet, do I have the chance of getting him again later? I have tried for days to get a feebas in the river on rt. 119 but all I get are carvana's? Do I have to get up the waterfall to catch one???? Any wisdom you can provide would be greatly heplful to my sons and myself.

Thank you for your time,

M. Gibson

Let me see If I can break it down for you MS. G,

1. Try having a water or a grass pokemon to battle wallace remeber lightning moves hit everyone but his whishcash so use a grass pokemon on that one.

2. Sorry there is no other way that you can catch groudon (belive me I tried) so before you or one of your sons restart the game, trade all the good and rare pokemon off of the game pack. ;-)

3. Feebas is like super rare he is only found in six random spots in the pond so good luck with him.

So hope this helps.


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