Trading Card
Game features many of the famed Pokemon TCG cards, plus
exclusive cards not found in any store. In all, there are
more than 200 cards. Game mechanics and strategy are
identical to that of the actual Trading Card Game during
Base, Jungle, and Fossil sets. This is an awesome way to
learn the Pokemon TCG without having an opponent teach
you. It's an oldie, Gameboy Color old, but it is worth it
if you can pick it up at a garage sale or some auction
A big thanks
goes out to Aaron, NickWhiz, and Edo for creating most of
the content on all of these pages. Of course, if you have some
tips, feel free to send them to us! We would love to hear from you.
Complete Walkthrough Edo's Walkthrough for the entire TCG Game. Also helps those playing a foreign language version such as the Japanese version with understand basic commands.
Card Spoilers NickWhiz provides all the card text on every card
available in the game.
Booster Pack Listings Aaron shows us which packs have what cards and where you can easily win the packs in the game.
Auto Deck Lists The second room in Mason's Labs contain Auto Deck List Machines that automatically make your deck. NickWhiz lists all of the deck lists that the machines make. Recommended for beginners.
TCG FAQ's Frequently Asked Questions regarding the
differences between the Gameboy and real TCG.
TCG Tips Page Secret tips that some of our readers sent in.
Gameshark Codes For all those who don't color within the lines...
Pojo.com is here to provide guidance to all Pokemon
trainers out there. Whether it's the Gameboy Game, N64 or the Trading Card Game,
PoJo.com provides all the wisdom you desire.
If you have cool game tips, a killer deck, or breaking
news ... send them to us. We'll post it on the site
... and give you all the credit.
All material copyright of
Pojo.com. Copyright Pojo.com 1998-2003.
This site is not
associated with Nintendo, Wizards of the Coast, Creatures, or GAMEFREAK.
Pokemon, Gameboy, and Gotta catch 'em all! are registered trademarks of