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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Path of Destruction

Superman: MoS

Date Reviewed: 02.07.05

Constructed Average Rating: 2.75
Limited Average Rating: 3.5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Path of Destruction

This week we are going back to Man of Steel to review some cards that, well, I am really not sure if there is a theme this week. Anyway, let’s get started with the first one for the week – Path of Destruction.

Path of Destruction is a 2-threshold plot twist that basically states that the target attacker you control gets +2 attack and an additional +2 attack for every other Path of Destruction plot twist you have in your graveyard. Personally I do not like this card. If it said something like “Attackers you control” or if it gave something in the way of defense, it would be one thing, but you are basically looking at a sub-par power boost for the most part. If you are lucky and have a couple of these cards in the graveyard, then you might be looking at a better situation, but chances are you will either a.) not see another one for awhile or b.) put one in your resource row due to a lack of something better. This card can be useful if your opponent plays something along the lines of Overpowered, but that is about it. In my opinion, you should probably stick with something that is guaranteed to give you the power boost your need, when you need it. There is not enough room in constructed tournament decks for ‘casual’ cards.

Constructed – 2.5/5.0 ...This card can give you a boost, however since the amount of boost you receive is situational, this card can be unreliable

Limited – 3.0/5.0 ...In this format you usually need all the boost you can get.
Path of Destruction

I hope everyone had a good time at a Marvel Knights sneak preview event this past weekend. This week we're going to take one last look at Man of Steel, and then after that we'll be jumping feet first into the new set. So without any further ado, let's look at today's card.

Path of Destruction is one of the first plot twists to specifically reward you for playing multiple copies in your deck. +2 isn't a bad attack pump, but what you're really looking for is the +4, +6, and +8(!) that you'll get with the other three copies of this card, assuming you draw them. When you add it up, it's the same total bonus as you'd get from 4 copies of Savage Beatdown, only Path of Destruction is a common! That's good news for the budget builders out there. Get all 4 copies in your KO'd pile, then use Garth to keep getting one copy back, and you have a recycling +8 boost! Of course, if you only draw one or two copies of Path, you're not going to get as much effect out of it, but it's still worth a look.

In Limited, this card really shines. You'll usually see at least one or two copies of it, and with a 30 card deck, you'll have an easier time drawing into them. It's also not team stamped, which makes it very nice, especially in the Man of Steel set where many of the better plot twists are team specific.


Constructed - 3/5
Limited - 4/5

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