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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day


  Colonel Yon-Rogg

Card #MHG_049


Exhaust three front row Kree characters you control >>> Stun target character. Use this power only once per turn and only during your attack step.

Date Reviewed: 10.12.06

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 4
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 4
Limited Average Rating: 3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Colonel Yon-Rogg

Basics: One thing I can certainly say Kree have going for them are some characters with very nice effects. This character is certainly no different. Colonel Yon-Rogg is a 3-drop Kree character with stats of 4/5 and the ability to stun a character during your attack step, provided you exhaust 3 front row Kree characters. Like Bron Char, this effect is not cosmic, so you can use it as many times as you want.
Constructed play: This guy was made for GA format. With press the attack, you can go to town with guy if you like and his press ability makes him a perfect candidate for a Kree press deck. Ths guy is certainly a must for a Kree deck or even a Kree variation deck. (How about Kree/FF?)
Limited play: Ok so this guy is probably not going to make a dent in this format. Since you will probably not be playing press, you will probably be playing curve, and you will probably have to be teamed up to have enough Kree characters on the field, this card's play ability goes down significantly. Of course this card could be extremely useful if you are forced to under-drop on your initiative so if you do happen to get this card in your packs, don't rule it out right away.

MMA constructed - 4.0/5.0 ...This is a great card for any Kree deck.
GA constructed - 4.0/5.0 ...ditto

Limited - 3.0/5.0 ...While not probable, this card is still possible.
"These new uniforms are pretty snappy!"
Today is Colonel Yon-Rogg, a mighty Kree military man who can make your initative one that counts.
Colonel Yon-Rogg
3 cost
Rarity: Rare


Exhaust three front row Kree characters you control >>> Stun target character. Use this power only once per turn and only during your attack step.

Colonel Yon-Rogg is of course not meant to be played on turn 3. He of course can be, but you won't get his effect off until at least turn 5, perhaps not even until turn 6 if you have even initatives. He has so-so stats of 4/5, nothing too remarkable. Stunning any character you want though with the power of three Kree characters is pretty sweet though. Just think of it as a team attack that you can't be stunned back by and is guaranteed to work. His effect is only relevant in terms of how big your opponent's largest character is. If you can take out all of your opponent's characters just by attacking, you should do so, but if there's a giant 6 or maybe even a 7 drop in your way, Yon-Rogg's effect is a no-brainer. Yon-Rogg should have at least 3 slots in your Kree deck.

All formats: His stunning effect is dependent on your opponent's board, but he is a 3 drop with press still. Solid card for press decks no matter what. 4/5

Sealed/Draft: If you can stun your opponent's largest character, that should be game. Otherwise, if you're light in the 3 drop slot, play him. 3/5

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