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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

Modred the Mystic

Card #MTU-145


Date Reviewed: 05.22.07

Average Rating: 3.88

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Jason Bunch
Level 2 Judge
Well, after a work-induced hiatus, I'm back just in time for some more Underworld cards from Marvel Team-Up. With Random Punks tournaments going on at game stores around the country, today's card is a very playable common. Modred the Mystic has decent stats of 8/6, and he has both Flight and Range. His ability is the main reason you'd play him though, since while he's around, your stunned characters can't be KO'd.

What's nice is if you recover him first, then your other stunned characters won't be KO'd during wrap-up.

You'll usually want to slide him into the hidden area though, as you'd rather be able to recover a bigger drop and still have Modred keeping some other stunned folks on the field for various effects. Definitely the nuts 4-drop for Underworld strategies.

xstreamzero Modred the Mystic

You know, now that the semester is over, I actually have more time to do reviews. Yay for everyone!

Modred the Mystic
Servant of Chthon
Flight and Range
Stunned characters you control can’t be KO’d

My good friend Vic is an avid player of Underworld. His four drop of choice is definitely Modred the Mystic. It’s pretty godly when in his hands, but even by itself, it’s a hassle. Not being able to use KO effects means that there’s going to be a lot of board advantage. Not to mention many effects that can derive just by having your characters stunned like In Limbo for major life gain or Last Stand for some huge brickwalling. It also has great team up possibilities with evasion characters like Spider-Friends or Morlocks. Being able to protect your characters is a huge plus in today’s metagame.

Marvel Modern: 4/5
Silver Age: 4/5
Golden Age: 4/5
Overall: 4/5

Not too shabby…
Hmm. 8/6 isn't exactly poor for 4 cost (7/7 being the average), and his ability can be pretty cool. This affects not just card abilities, but during your recovery step.

not much else I can say about it. I like it.

Sealed: 4/5

Constructed 4/5
_Si Modred the Mystic:
Cost 4
Flight, Range

His name is Modred and he is Mystic. Modred’s turn-ons include mysterious strangers, listening to Stevie Wonder and long walks on the beach. Modred lists his turn offs as pushy men, the movies of Jerry Bruckheimer and being burned at the stake by peasants with pitchforks.

Well I thought it was funny.

So then, Underworld team, vanilla stats with flight & range, okay but nothing special. So why are we playing Modred? Cause stopping your stunned characters from being KO’d is great. And co-incidentally that’s Modred’s effect. I love it when a plan comes together.

The Underworld, as yours truly mentioned in a previous review (“Undead Legions”), has a sub-theme revolving around keeping stunned characters in play; gaining effects from them (e.g. Mephisto) and also having the ability to revive them when necessary (e.g. “Undead Legions”). In order to exploit this mechanic you must obviously keep your stunned characters from being KO’d, and Modred is your 4 drop of choice for doing just that.

I’m going to use some big words now, so get ready. Modred works to cause an imbalance in the game by giving you the justification to allow your characters to become stunned, whilst denying this justification to your opponent. And that boys and girls, is why you play the card.

Modred rocks.

Just don’t play him in any Doom decks.

That would be bad.

Sealed: 3.5
Constructed: 4


“You must learn the ways of the force if you are to come with me to Alderaan”

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