THOMAS C ANNE O*KEEFE [] daily card review, starting now-InZane33     I'm gonna review cards and/or decks on a daily basis.  Today I'll be looking at one of the most wanted and expensive cards in the DC Origins set, Garth.  Card readings thanks to vsrealms site   Garth @ Tempest (DOR-041) Atlantean Sorcerer Loyalty. Pay 3 endurance >>> Return target card from your KO’d pile to your hand. Use this power only once per turn. ________________________________________ “I have been trained by Atlan himself. I command magics you cannot hope to withstand.”   At first sight you can see how insanely powerful it is.  You can use it to bring back a plot twist you deliberately play from your hand.  You could bring back a Titan you discarded for cards like Optitron or Titans Tower. My favorite way to use it is play a Terra turn 4 and KO your USS Argus. Next turn you can get it back and use it on turn 6.  Gives you some great card advantage.  I play two Garths in my deck, as well as two Nightwings.  I don't max out on Garths simply because there are times that it won't do as much as I'd like, if your KO pile is filled with low costing characters. The only disadvantage to this card is the loyalty, meaning it only goes in Titans decks.  I consider this to be the best five drop in the game, Thing, Heavy Hitter a VERY close second     I rate this card a 4.5/5, it's almost a staple for Titan decks.      InZane33 signing off