James’ Top Ten Traps (not past LOD)


10 Trap Hole Defensive decks need this card, beatdown decks fear this card. Not many monsters nowadays have attacks lower then 1,000 so it is getting better.9 seven tools of the bandit You can negate any trap for a small cost of 1,000 life points. You should always have one in your deck or side deck in case you’re facing a trap heavy deck, even with jinzo.8 Magic jamer It negate a magic card for the cost of a card in your hand. Even with yata out locking it’s a small cost.7 Royal Command It negates all flip effect monsters  so cards like fiber jar or man eater bug don’t work

6 Solemn Judgment What is the cross of all the above cards,

Solemn Judgment!!! Easily the best counter card in the game.

Just pay half your life points to negate anything.

5 Call of the Haunted The second best revival card out now.

If you run into a mirror force just activate this to get back your

 monster to attack again.4 Torrential Tribute Board control is one of the best advantages. With this card you will have a chance to control the board.3 Magic Cylinder The best direct damage card out now. You can easily do 1,000-2,500 damage with this card.

2 Imperial Order You can seal games with this card. Just drop a jinzo on the field and only monsters can be played. The cost is a  little heavy though.1 Mirror Force Many games have been decided with this card. An Injection Fairy Lily could deliver the final blow, a hayabusa knight with a powerful equip,  a yata lock and many more.




James   dark_necrofear13


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