From: Richard Kee []
Chaos Ruler's Top Ten Tributes- Part 2
This is my 3rd list in 2 days, so I have had a lot of spare time, obviously.
This time, I'll be dealing with those who need 2 tributes- in other words level 7 or 8.
10. Dark Magician- The man of a thousand faces
OK, he has TOO MANY VERSIONS!!! One of them is a kick ass version of his crappy ritual form. One is a sex-goddess
to complete wierdos, 3 versions of just this 1 card, 2 fusions, an elderly version created by a rather peculiar clocky thing, a warrior version, a skilled version and about 10 magic and trap cards based on him. THIS explains why Yugi's deck is so obesely large!
9. Sanga of the Thunder- Why waste him on Gate Guardian
No wise monster, even those who are stronger, should attack this! It gives Sanga a free direct attack!
8. Suijin- Legendary Ocean's 6-star superstar
Same as Sanga other than the ocean thing
7. Masked Beast Des Guardius- We can't say death in a card now, can we?
This card can count as a 2-tribute and a special summon, so he's on both lists. He has 3300 attack points and one of the monsters sacrificed has to be Melchid the 4-faced beast or Grand Tiki Elder. I LOVE HIM!!! If he is destroyed, you take an opponent's monster. Yay! 
6. Blue Eyes White Dragon- I have to say Kaiba called right using this. Just not 3 of them.
Pure Power- simple as that.
5. Guardian Angel Joan- Best card for Life point gain.
And that's about it. Good stats too.
4. Levia King Daedalus- The BETTER 6-star superstar. Direct attack that only Kuriboh can block. I love this card in a water deck!
3. Barrel Dragon- The original Blowback!
Well, that is basically what he is, but his 6-star counterpart is a lot less cool-looking!
2. Buster Blader- Sacrifice a white magician and you get a blue and orange warrior who has a thing for enemy dragons... makes perfect sense.
Well, Yugi has a useful, 2-tribute, cool looking monster, and he never even uses the $"*&&?&^% thing! Fuse him with Dark Magician for even more power!
1. Dark Magician of Chaos- I cried when I first saw him...
Ever since I saw a picture of Magician of Black Chaos on, he was my favourite, now I love his 10 TIMES AS USABLE counterpart.
WORST WASTE OF 2 TRIBUTES: Slot Machine. There a level 4s stronger than him!