From: jake pelican [] Needles's Top 10 Under Rated cards (pre-ban list0 Here's my list of cards that are underrated as a whole whether on or globally because if played right these are AWESOME and have few weaknesses 10. Swords of Revealing Light - when you play you always look for a way to get ahead of your opponent, and what better way than to prevent 3 turns worth of attacks. Just don't depend on this card to save you because it won't. 9. Harpie's feather Duster - I can't believe this one, I'm just responding to all of the posts that I've heard of "Harpies feather duster sucks I'd rather have MST" I mean, who wouldn't want to be rid of those annoying facedown traps 8. Dust Tornado - MST with a second effect 7. Robbin' Goblin - Yata lock, skull invitation, the possibilities are endless 6. Mirror Force - I'm tired of hearing this being compared to waboku, they're too different. Waboku is made to be chainable, Mirror Force is meant to cripple case closed 5. Sakuretsu Armor - Why wouldn't you want to destroy an opponent's monster 4. Vampire Lady - Another crippler, run the max number of these that you can and remove your opponent's traps and magic and severely hurt them 3. Dark Mirror Force - Same as mirror force, except instead you get to destroy their defenses 2. Vampire Lord - Just like vampire Lady except IT WON'T DIE 1. Morphing Jar #2 - The ultimate savior. No traps on the field, down on your luck when your opponent has too many powerful monsters on the field, Just run this, they destroy it and half they're deck trying to replace their monsters, AND they go into defense mode, Perfect Crossout bait. So their you go, the master strategist Needles has spoken. Questions, Comments, Etc. should be forwarded to Until next time