From: Richard Kee []
Chaos Ruler's Top Ten Revolutions of Yu-Gi-Oh
OK, I'll be a bit more clear- when a card comes out that completely changes the modern game, it is considered by me as a revolution. These are the top ten. (I don't want to count anything from the starter decks or LOB, as they would have been big straight away and not changed any old ways). I also include things from the anime, games etc.
10. The Yu-Gi-Oh Movie- Well, I hope so...
Since movies for other shows such as Pokemon and Digimon have failed miserably, this was a bold move. The advantage is they can put in whatever they want without an original Japanese version to go by. Let's see if this is any better than the show. (It comes out in the UK on August 13th, I think that's the same as USA!)
9. The Egyptian God Cards- Save up, buy 'em, brag about 'em, realise you can't use 'em.
The fact they have no effects written on them and the inability to use in a duel takes them down a notch, but almost a whole 2 seasons were based on them!
8. Mirror Force- still the best trap of them all.
This card was a true favourite from the start, and since it's release in Metal Raiders, it has always been a must- despite Jinzo.
7. The big equips- axe of despair, united we stand, mage power, megamorph
All of these were huge at a time... too bad
6. The dub changes- Oh, no! half- dressed women with guns and a couple of drops of blood!
Instead, very little flesh shown, the pointy-finger-of-death and digitized out blood and cut violence. I can't wait for Yu-Gi-Oh Uncut! 
5. Gemini Elf- they made La Jinn look soooooooooooooooooo bad!
1800's were becoming common as muck and mechanical chaser was expensive as...(oops, maybe that's not a very suitable poem). Gemini Elf changed that. And now the 1900's are getting boring! 
4. Changing the TV rules- the only thing Kaiba ever got right!
Almost identical to the real game, but with half as many life points. (I'm always annoyed at beginner kids in the UK, who have only seen the duellist kingdom series on the 5 basic channels, and play the dumb rules used back then, and Joey's Flame Swordsman and Giltia the D. Knight made them think fusions could be played normally as monsters.) Those with cable knew the real rules (and those who've actually learnt the game, of course). Those kingdom rules were just moronic.
3. Jinzo- for killing all the biggest traps in all decks
After Jinzo's release, the number of traps plummeted, and (as far as I can remember) he was the second strongest Level 6 to the now forgotten Summoned Skull
2. The Chaos Monsters- Crap cards, only better!
At least one of these 3 beauties went into nearly every tournament deck!
1. The Yata Lock- the most boring strategy ever made
Yes, Yata Garasu and Chaos Emperor Dragon. Sigh...
Honourable Mentions- I had one too many, and they were too early on to make a huge difference. 
The 2 Search Cards- one for flips, one for powerhouses!
Sangan and Witch of the Black Forest are musts for every deck, always have been and, as it goes now, always will be.