Tokegomeru's Top Ten Topdecking Cards 10) Graceful Charity/Painful Choice - While a good topdeck, you're only really drawing 1 card and dumping two, making for a pressured decision. 9) Ring of Destruction - Well, Destruction can be a good thing if they might've gotten yata from a Witch or Sangan. 8) Mystical Space Typhoon - It's not bad if something is on the field by Equip monster recursion. 7) Sangan/Witch - Fetching is good. 6) Yata-Garasu - Situational, but, good if you opponent is topdecking as well. 5) Waboku - Topdecking this card is RARELY a bad thing. 4) Theban Nightmare - I run this myself and the results for the opposition can be devastating especially after a Chaos Emperor Dragon's effect. 3) Monster Reborn - Never a bad card to topdeck. 2) Kuriboh - Call it being biased but it is a good suprise against opponents when you're topdecking. 1) Chaos Emperor Dragon-Envoy of the End - Game. Breaking.