From: Logan Harnish [] Logans Top 10 Monsters Hi all pojo goers today im going the do a top ten list for Monster, Magic, and Trap card for all sets so any way here are the top ten Monster Cards: 10: DCR-027 D.D. Warrior Lady Light/Warrior/4/1500/1600 When this card battles another monster, after Damage Calculation you can remove the opponent’s monster and this card from play. This Monsters effect reminds me of Newdoria but its much better the Newdoria because DDWL gets rid of the monster almost permanently unless the use Dimension Fussion. 9: MRD-069 Sangan Dark/Fiend/3/1000/600 When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, move 1 monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your Deck to your Hand. Your Deck is then shuffled. Not as good as the Witch cause you can take a beatstick like Jinzo or a 1900 Attacker but it can search out Deck thining monsters like Mystic Tomato or handy flip effect monsters like Fiber of Cyber Jar. 8: MRD-116 Witch of the Black Forest Dark/Spellcaster/4/1100/1200 When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, move 1 monster with a DEF of 1500 or less from your Deck to your Hand. Your Deck is then shuffled. Much more playable the Sangan because it can grab beatsticks and many of the same cards Sangan can grab, also it is more playable because playable Monsters with 1500 DEF or less. 7: MFC-076 Water/Aqua/4/1600/1000 Discard 1 card from your hand and declare 1 type of monster to destroy all face-up monsters of the declared Type on both sides of the field. Very good monster that can clear your opponents field of face up Monsters, Effect can only be stoped by Goblin of Greed (but who really plays that card other than players new to the game), and finally its searchable by WotBF. 6: MFC-071 Dark/Spellcaster/4/1600/1000 When this card is successfully Normal Summoned, put 1 Spell Counter on it (max. 1). Increase the ATK of this monster by 300 points for each Spell Counter on this card. Also you can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card to destroy 1 Spell Card or Trap Card on the field. This monster is a Hybrid of both a 1900 Attacker and a 4th MST and as far as I kno his effect cannot be stoped, this make him a very versatile card indeed. 5: DCR-000 Vampire Lord Dark/Zombie/5/2000/1500 Each time this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent declare 1 card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap). Your opponent selects 1 card of that type from his/her Deck and sends it to the Graveyard. Also, when this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by you opponent’s card effect, it is Special Summoned to the field during your next Standby Phase. One of my favorite cards in the whole game it fits perfectly in Pure Control, Beatdowns,Zombie, and Even Chaos Control Decks, and his "I'm coming back if I'm not destroyed in battle Effect" is just to sweet. 4: PSV-000,BPT-011 Jinzo Dark/Machine/6/2400/1500 As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all Trap Cards cannot be activated. The effects of all face-up Trap Cards are also negated. Another of my favorite Monsters, I just love his effect, I mean c'mon they cant Mirror Force they cant Torrential and do on and so forth. 3: IOC-065 Dark Magician of Chaos Dark/Spellcaster/8/2800/2600 When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned successfully, you can add 1 Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand. A monster that is destroyed by this monster as a result of battle is removed from play instead of going to the Graveyard. When this card is destroyed or removed from the field, it is removed from play. Now this card is one powerful creature, when you summon it you get a magic card back from your grave, now most player overlook this as its not one of the Chaos Monsters but in my opinion he is one of the Chaos Monsters, a very good monster, I mean if your opponent destroys it they cant use it against you. 2: IOC-000 Chaos Emperor Dragon-Envoy of the End Dark/Dragon/8/3000/2500 This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster in your Graveyard from play. Pay 1000 of your Life Points to send all cards in both players' hands and on the field to the Graveyard. Inflict 300 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points for each card that is sent to the Graveyard by this effect. Amazing effect, many say its effect is too powerful because it resets both field and Hand advantage but if you use is effect at the wrong time and the blow dosent defeat your opponent, they could draw a Monster and attack you and cost you the duel. 1: IOC-025 Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning Light/Warrior/8/3000/2500 This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster in your Graveyard from play. Once during each of your turns, you can select and activate 1 of the following effects: ·Remove 1 monster on the field from play. If you activate this effect, this card cannot attack during this turn. ·If this card destroyed your opponent's monster as a result of battle, it can attack once again in a row. Many people will argue that CED is the best monster but in my opinion the Soldier is better because most people think CEDs only use is the one turn win involving Yata, His 2 effects are killer, 1 he can remove any monster that threatens his existence on the field, 2 he can destroy 2 monsters or if the only have 1, destroy the monster snad get a direct shot for 3000 points. _________________________________________________________________