A.J.'s Top Ten Spellcaster Cards A.J.'s Top Ten Cards for a Spellcaster Deck 10. Gemini Elf---The easiest 1900 four star to get a hold of as a promo. A nice beat-stick for any deck, not just a Spellcaster deck 9. Skilled Dark Magician---1900 four star with the effect of a free dark magician for three spell counters and himself as a sacrifice. Pretty good alone, and very good in a well built deck 8. Skilled White Magician---1700 Attack is not much these days, but it gets you a buster blader when you sacrifice it after three spell counters are on it. And buster Blader is needed for Dark Paladin. 7. Buster Blader---Needed for Dark Paladin, 2600 Attack + 500 for every dragon on your opponents side of the field and graveyard, It's a decent monster to have against an army of Blue Eyes. 6. Diffusion-Wave Motion---Dark Magician or Dark Paladin, as well as any other 7+ star Spellcaster, gets an added effect of Taking on their entire army while negating any of those effects when the creatures are destroyed. Combine that with Final attack orders and ceasefire and you have just insured a lot of life point damage. 5. Dark Magician Girl---She may look cute, but she has the power to avenge the deaths of ALL dark magician ever played. +300 doesn't seem like much, but 3 Dark Magicians and 3 Magician of Black Chaos in the graveyard = 1800 extra attack. Imagine your facing a Spellcaster deck nearly identical to yours, except they don't own a Dark Magician girl and they have all 3 of their Dark Magicians in the graveyard as well as 3 of their own Magician of Black Chaos. That means + 3600 for a total of 5600!!! 4. Dark Magician of Chaos---Retrieve a long needed already used Raigeki upon his summoning, and he looks like the Magician of Black Chaos, except he isn't a ritual. 2800 Attack and removes it's victim from play. Worth a shot 3Dark Magician---Not the #1 card because he has no effect alone, but still helps out Dark Magician girl, can use diffusion wave, and is part of the #1 card on this list. Plus 2500 attack is nothing to scoff at 2. Sorcerer of Dark Magic---This is actually pretty much tied with the #1 card in potential power. You basically point to him and say no to every trap your opponent plays. He's a bit hard to summon but Magical Scientist and 2 Sanwitch take away that problem. 1. Dark Paladin---The ultimate wizard, every dragon on the field and in the graveyard gives him 500 extra attack each and he wields the power to stop any spell card your opponent may play, by discarding one card. Combo him with the Sorcerer of Dark Magic and you have shut your opponent down. No Magic or trap for them, and only them. Got an idea on how to improve the list? Any cards I may have overlooked? Email me, A.J., at supersaiyandarkmagician@yahoo.com Oh but not Hate mail or saying any of the above cards aren't worth playing please. Thank you