Brandon Brandon's Yugioh top 10 most useful recently released cards This new list is about the latest cards to be released from soul of the duelist, Rise of Destiny and a few others that got re-released as variant cards 10. The Mystic Swordsman cards- IMO the least useful lvl set of cards that anyone would consider playing they will most likely be destroyed before being used since they go to defense mode when summoned and the effect negation is really just ok. 9. Dark Magician Girl- Yes she was re-released as a variant card in the rise of destiny boxes she is only half useful really there arent alot of great dark magician decks out there and thats really all she can be used for i would only get one just to have it. 8. Diffusion Wave Motion- The other secret rare from magician force (dark magician girl was the other) it is a bit more useful since if you have a dark magician on the field or dark magician of chaos you wont want them destroyed just to give the dark magician girl a few attack points just use diffusion wave motion on one of them and most likely your opponents monsters will be done. 7. Triangle Ecstasy Spark- This card is a must have in a Harpie deck for a turn your harpie sisters are super boosted and no traps can be activated and traps activated are negated but really a harpie deck will be hard to use and actually win in a competitive environment casual though give it a shot. Vampire Lord- Now your probably saying what why is he only no. 5 well because he is a great card but he is easy to get rid of 2000 atk wont hold much off although his recursion is awesome i deeply believe they made a mistake by making this bad boy a easily obtained variant card in the rise of destiny boxes but oh well. 5. Armed Dragon lvl 3@5- Im not doing lvl 7 yet because this would take to long lol anyways lvl 3 is a pretty wimpy monster just make it survive till the next turn or play level up and you get the much better lvl 5 its 2400 and its effect can be good use it to kill a monster in battle or level up to get 7. 4. Horus the Black Flame Dragon lvl4@6 - Same as above lvl 8 will come later anyways lvl 4 by itself is a decent monster 1600 atk and cant be controlled by your opponent use it to kill a monster or level up to get lvl 6 and he is much better he is 2300 attack and he can be summoned by tributing a monster on your field and his cannot be affected by magic cards effect is nice. 3. Armed Dragon lvl 7- Now he is the biggest armed dragon of them all and a awesome looking artwork to anyways his effect is similar to lvl 5 where you discard a monster from your hand to destroy 1 monster with attack equal lower but with lvl 7 it destroys ALL monsters on your opponents field with attack equal or lower then the discarded monsters and he is a beast when it comes to attack as well. 2. Horus The Black Flame Dragon lvl 8- Ahh yes the best monster in soul of the duelist a awesome 3000 attack and 2500 defense and his effect is great you get to choose what magics are negated meaning you can use magics and your opponent cant ahh sweet. 1. The one The only The Creator- A awesome monster and trust me for this guy 2 tributes is worth all the effort a blah 2300 atk is a downfall but who cares 3000 defense almost nothing gets through that and his affect is amazing with sinister serpent select a monster in your grave then discard 1 card from your hand to special summon the selected monster to the field how godly is that i mean geez they didnt make this thing perfect though if it does get destroyed it is just about gone for good unless you play Monster Reincarnation to put it back in your hand. Well there you are its imo the best cards to be released or re-released as it were in the latest sets i hope you enjoyed this and whatever comments you may have for me good or bad just email me at thanks Pojo and all that read this