Strife's Yu-Gi-Oh top ten cards for a Fusillier Dragon Deck Hey all. Been a while since my last list, but I just couldn't stay away and leave you all hanging. I know you love my writing so much. (lol jk) Anyways, I took a look at the new card Fusillier the Dual Mode Beast in a card-of-the-day episode a while back. I immediately thought 'Hey, these guys are right! Fusillier is a good monster!' So I thought up deck idea's. And based on rulings made by judges, here are my ten most essential cards to the Fusillier machine beatdown deck (From least to greatest) 10. Jinzo - *6, 2400 attack 1400 defense (Machine - As long as this card remains on the field, negate the effects of all traps currently on the field. In addition, no traps may be activated.) This is probably the least of my top 10. It obviously helps out in tight spots, but you have a few essential traps in a Fusillier deck, so he is sometimes counterproductive. 9. Ring of Destruction - Trap card (Destroy one face-up monster on either side of the field. Both players take direct damage equal to the destroyed monsters attack points.) This is also hard to utilize quite effectively enough. In Fusillier decks, I find you will probably be taking a bit of damage. This is usually only used if you think you will lose anyways, to tie the duel. 8. Painful choice - Spell Card(Choose 5 cards from your deck, and show them to your opponent. Your opponent chooses one of them to go to your hand. The rest are sent to the graveyard) Painful choice is a good one. I found an abundance of light and dark monsters for BLS (later in the list). Also, this is useful for getting Fusillier into the graveyard for revival. 7. Giant Trunade - Spell Card (Return all Spell/Trap cards currently on the field to their owners hands) This is useful. When Fusillier is fully powered up, you don't want anything getting in the way of your attack. Also, since this only returns the cards, you may re-equip Fusillier with anything that was essential to your attack. 6. Call of the Haunted - Continuous Trap Card(Choose a monster in your graveyard, and special summon it to your field in face-up attack position. Equip that monster with this card. If this card is destroyed, the equipped monster is also destroyed. Also, if the monster is destroyed, destroy this card.) This is pretty much obvious, and pretty much essential. Fusilliers effect is only active while he is on the field, so it is easy to get him killed before special summoning him to your field, back to 2800 attack. 5. Black Luster Soldier - *8, 3000 attack 2500 defense (Warrior, and anyone who doesn't know Black Luster's effect by now had better be new to YU-Gi-Oh) You would be surprised how many useful light and dark monsters there are. The opponents don't usually suspect a machine-style beatdown to pull the surviving envoy from your hand and hit them with it. It's a sneak attack, and a powerful one too. 4. Skill Drain - Continuous Trap Card(Pay 1000 life points. Negate the effects of all face-up monsters on the field.) This is extremely useful is a Fusillier deck. His unique effect activates inside of your hand, so you may use the first effect and skill drain will negate the second, making him both versatile and useful. Also, judges have decided that if skill drain leaves the field after Fusillier is already there, his second effect stays negated. It is quite an evil strategy.... hehehe... 3. Limiter Removal - Quickplay spell card(Double the total attack power of all machine type monsters currently on your side of the field. All monsters affected in this way are destroyed during the end phase of this turn) Ok, this is a machine beatdown, so you might have been expecting this as second. Unfortunatly, because of Fusilliers effect, there is one better choice for him in this deck... 2. Megamorph - Equip Spell Card(While your life points are lower then your opponent's, double the original attack of a monster equipped with this card. While your life points are higher, half the original attack) Yes, it's true. Although Fusillier cripples his mighty strength by being easily summoned, Megamorph doubles the ORIGINAL attack of the monster. This means that his already powerful strength is doubled, and if you activated his effect for a tribute-free summon, you will quadruple his current attack strength. This makes the loss of life points a good thing in a Fusillier deck. and of course, number one is... the main Machine himself, Fusillier the Dual Mode Beast! 1. Fusillier the Dual Mode Beast - *8, 2800 attack 2000 defense(Machine - This card may be normal summoned or set without tribute. If this is the case, the original attack and defense of this card is halved) Hehehehehehe. The Mechanical master of combo's himself. The destroyer of decks. The crusher of life points. The really sweet looking card. This bad boy can look decievingly weak at first, as it seems his power lies only in dump and revive(a 1400 1000 with no helpful effect is a drag). But pump him with a megamorph when you're at low life, activate a skill drain right before you summon him or call of the haunted him after his death and activate a couple limiter removals on have a very dead opponent. It is usually a good idea to activate a heavy storm or a trunade on your opponents spells/traps before unleashing the final blow. Also, having BLS-EotB in your deck will make the whole process easier. Welcome to my third best friend, The Dual Mode Butt-Kicker. P.S. Second is Horus Black Flame Dragon lvl. 8, and First is Black Luster himself. Well, nice writing to all of you again. Hope to get some response at Also, if you have any idea's of other things to put in my deck, I would accept any cool info. - Strife (P.P.S. How many of you know this phrase? "I say there, monstrosity - do you know the times?")