Js206king@aol.com Top Ten Cards for a Traditional Format Chaos/Control Deck Top Ten Cards for a Traditional Format Chaos/Control Deck 10. D.D Designator. You will want to make sure certain cards your opponent holds won't ever show up and with the aid of # 8 this card will work many wonders. Good times to use are after a Cyber flip unless they got a full field of monsters, the opponent's Witch or Sangan search, the last two cards of # 8, When your opponent's Yata returns to their hand and if their Sinister returns. 9. Drop Off. This may look stupid but this is for Chaos/ Control people. After an Emperor blow up and they draw a Yata you've Dropped it off forever. There can be a lot of potential for this card if used right. 8. Delinquent Duo/ The Forceful Sentry/ Confiscation. These three cards are the best support for Yata in the whole game. Forceful and Confiscation work well with #10. 7. Don Zaloog. Surprised to see him huh? Don being a dark and a great asset to Control makes him good if you run Chaos/ Control if you just play Chaos sidedeck him at the least. It's a nice trick to lave your opponent without options when you slap down an Envoy. 6. Blade Knight. If you only have one card in your hand it becomes a 2000 Light attacker and if it's the only monster you have on the field you can stop stuff like Night Assailant, Cyber, Fiber, Magician of Faith etc... It's the perfect topdeck if Emperor Dragon's effect was just used considering they have a 2000 attack monster who can negate Flip Effects to deal with. Absolute Staple for Chaos. 5. D.D Warrior Lady. The ability to remove a monster or turn it into Chaos food makes it yet another staple to Chaos and Control decks. Try running three in your Chaos deck and see how they work. You really should like the results evev if you run just a Hand Control Deck. 4. Jinzo. Negating those Traps is never a bad thing if you want to attack with an Envoy or another monster whose attack you want to pull off. 3. Witch of the Black Forest/ Sangan. They're both darks and with Chaos Emperor Dragon and one of the searchers special summoned plus Yata in the deck = GAME OVER. 2. Yata- Garasu. It works extremely well with both Envoys and can make sure you have backup if both Chaos cards go down.. 1. Chaos Emperor Dragon- Envoy of the End/ Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning. You can't have a Chaos deck without the Envoys. And they both are obviously the basis of a Chaos or even a Chaos/ Control deck. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! Send hatemail or lovemail to dgeneral009@optonline.net