T Searcy Alex's Top 10 things done wrong in Clash in the Colliseum Parts I-VI Ok, today I bring you the top ten things done wrong in Clash in the Colliseum Parts I-VI. As we all know, this was the longest duel in history, even briefly expanding into the very beginning of Battle for the Bronze Part I. Enjoy. 10) This was one of the little things that I was being really picky about. They show Yugi's hand the turn before Obelisk attacks Slifer in Part III. He does NOT have Kuriboh in his hand, trust me, I've gone over it 500 times. Yet, he has him in time to discard to save his lifepoints! (Note: There was a commercial break, SO, maybe Yugi drew it during commercial in time to save his ass since it wasn't scripted?) Just a thought, not to say either duelist is a CHEATER...lol 9) Kaiba pointing out when Yugi played Spell Textbook that "Now that Slifer's attack points are 0, you'll lose the duel!" Excuse me Kaiba, since Obelisk was at 4000 points, and Slifer was at 1000, and Yugi only had 3000 lifepoints, wouldn't he have lost ANYWAY? Either Kaiba's terrible at math, or couldn't subtract properly unless 0 was involved. 8) Beast of Gilfer's effect not being applied when it was sent to Yugi's graveyard from his deck as a result of Final Attack Orders. Doesn't it lower any monster on the field by 500? Couldn't Yugi have used it on BEUD? This one didn't bug me as much as some of the others. 7) The effect of Double Spell. This one really irritated me as well. However, it was again done so our hero would win, so I'm not going to lose sleep over it. (If it did work the way it did on their, it would easily be Secret Rare material thought, right?) 6) Kaiba giving up 1000 lifepoints for Enemy Controller. Why would they purposely write in a penalty for a great card that has NO cost? Also, at the start of part II, why is Kaiba at 2000 lifepoints? He obviously had to give up 1000 more. Either for Lullaby of Obedience, or Spell Sanctuary. (If anyone knows how these work for real, let me know please.) 5) Yugi being able to play REBD from his hand when Kaiba played Flute of Summoning Dragon. Granted, I know this was again done for the show so our hero wouldn't lose, but that was one of the cheesiest misusues I've ever seen on the show. 4) Kaiba not attacking Queens Knight on his first turn. Sure, he was trying to summon Obelisk to finish Yugi early, but still. He could've direct attacked for 2200 or more the next turn had he kept X and Y separate. (Yugi would've been in a world of hurt.) 3) Dark Paladin--now, before I explain this one, know that it REALLY bugged me. Dark Paladin was summoned, and boosted up to 3900 attack. (For BEUD and REBD) However, He should've had much more. XYZ Dragon, was in the graveyard. Slifer was in the graveyard. Spear Dragon was in the graveyard. Luster Dragon #2 was in the graveyard. Spirit Ryu was in the graveyard. There's 2500 extra attack right there. Why didn't this happen, or did Dark Paladin, like so many other cards, have a differenct effect on the show? 2) Tea trying to stop Joey from fullfilling his destiny of helping Yugi save the world by trying to keep him in bed. As his close friend, and not fulling understanding the whole "Shadow Realm" she was out of line. 1) Kaiba using Monster Reborn for Blue Eyes and making Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Had he reborned Obelisk (again) and merely attacked Red Eyes, he would have won. OR, he could have done Blue Eyes, but attacked with all three to wipe Yugi out. NOTE: Yes, I know I'm being overly critical and analytical of the anime, and it's just for fun, and is NOTHING like the TCG. You could do this for about every episode, and if this list is a hit, I'll probably start doing this for other episodes. Which duel would you like to see the top 10 mistakes in next? a) Kaiba vs. Joey (Battle for the Bronze Parts I-III) b) Yugi/Kaiba vs. Lumis/Umbra (Tag Team Take Down or Double Duel Parts I-IV) c) Yugi/Joey vs. Para/Dox (Double Trouble Duel Parts I-III) d) Yugi vs. Pegasus--Match of the Millenium (Final Duel of Souls) Parts I-V or e) Yugi vs. Marik--(The Final Duel Parts I-V) Let me know what you think and thanks for reading My name's Alex e-mail HATE mail to startrek_boy_00@yahoo.com e-mail GOOD mail to tsearcy@lssu.edu Let me know what you thought.