Le Pear's Top 10 Yugioh Card list- 10 cards to avoid Spells n' traps in Advanced Format Due to the lack of 3 major spell removers (the 2 MST's we used to be allowed, and of course Harpie's Feather duster). Stallers have a big advantage, SO! We of course need to improvise for advanced format. that's where i come in. Here's my list for 10 cards that screw your opponent's s/t roster over. 10) Nobleman of Extermination- Some people like to think of 10 as the best, in this case it could be, depending on the opponent. Sometimes, mass trap removal is needed, that's where nobleman of extermination reigns supreme. This little bugger can take out multitudes of traps just by one activation. Sadly chances are, if that trap is chainable, you won't be taking too much out. But, when it comes down to destroying those pesky sakuretsu armors, and your opponent abuses them. You're in good company my friend. 9) GreenKappa- Who said a hobby shop promo couldn't whoop some heinekans? I mean he's a double MST for face down spells n' traps. He of course has his drawbacks but since people seem to be using less and less chainable cards, he's an evil surprise. (as said in by one of the COTD staffers) 8) Cold Wave- This card does wonders in a Warrior Deck. if you run these in multiples, you can easily hit your opponent with a grand plethora of warriors without worrying about his spells or traps. Talk about easy sailing, this card is evil when used properly. 7)Swarm of Locusts- Against stallers this guy is evil, he is not only protected by your opponent's stalling s/t's but he can murdilate anything they set face down or activate (as long as it's continuous). 6) Breaker the Magical Warrior- Well, he's a beatstick when summoned, and he can take out any s/t on the field, great? I believe so! 5) Mobius the Frost Monarch- Incredibly useful, he's one of my favorite monsters to use for s/t removal. Although, I use 2 of him in my deck (I run a metamorphosis deck..>>;) 4) Giant Trunade- This card is underrated. Why? Well one it temporarily removes all spells and traps on the field, this is a good thing for one, your opponent has no spell and trap defences, and two, you can reuse cards. Swords on it's last turn? GIANT TRUNADE! Premature Burial on your Berserk gorilla? GIANT TRUNADE! Now you can get another monster with premature and have swords out for even longer. 3)Dust Tornado- Basic one turn spell and trap destruction, with an added perk, got a scapegoat in hand? SET IT FACE DOWN! YAY! 2) Heavy Storm- Well, this has it's draw backs, but it destroys everything on your opponents field, but you have to be careful, you might lose some of your cards in the process. 1) Mystical Space Typhoon- Some might argue why this is rated better then Heavy storm. But let's face the facts, Heavy storm isn't chainable. that's what it boils down to. This card, has less drawbacks then heavy storm, and being a quickplay, you can activate it during your opponents turn, eliminating some impending doom before activating or destroying their defence against your onslaught of beatdown. -Le Pear well that's my thoughts, deal with it..:B Contact me: AIM- Raging Pear MSN-O_me_ali@hotmail.com _________________________________________________________________