Nemesis' Top 10 Cards that should be taken off/put on the forbidden list Okay, the forbidden list has been made to make gameplay fairer, but after playing by that list since october, there are still some cards around that should not be and some cards on there that should return. So here goes..... 10) Torrential Tribute (put on) It's just as annoying as Dark Hole, and the fact that its a trap and gets activated during your turn, leaving you just as defenseless is possibly worse. 9) Sangan (take off) Lets face it, some off the more devastating cards are high attackers, low defenders, so WOTBF can stay put, on the other hand, sangan isn't as potentially dangerous. Choose a defender and watch your opponent nobleman, sasuke or mystic swordsman it. The only really bad card that I can think of to choose is the next one..... 8) Injection Fairy Lily (put on) Yes, she may cost 2000 life points but thats nothing compared to the damage she can do. Especially when you've got the LP to spare. Couple her with a few cards and it sayanara. 7) Mirror Force (take off) All I've heard about this card is that its an over hyped version of sakuretsu armour. Well if thats the case, why is it forbidden? It has one major downside, and yes it is mostly used to destroy 1 monster like its 'greater' version, so bring it back. 6) Graceful Charity (take off) Great card, no doubt, but the main reason this was forbidden was because it feeds chaos monsters and it whittles your deck a bit, but it does have a hefty price (two cards), which isn't the greatest when you've only got that in your hand (unless you manage to pull out two night assailants). 5) Magical Scientist (put on) No, I'm not being irrational, this card has got more potential than any other card in the game. Metamorphosis, thousand eyes, dark baltar, etc. And lets not forget about that and catapult turtle. 4) Leviadragon - Daedalus (put on) Half a Chaos Emperor Dragon and possibly just as annoying, especially with legendary ocean. 3) Painful Choice (put on) Good card, perhaps too good. Get rid of cards you dont want, feed chaos monsters, premature burial a monster, etc. I use it and even I agree its too powerful. 2) Fibre Jar (put on) This is definately well worth the forbidden list. Resets almost everything, and if your opponent flips it during their turn, you can either hope you have waboku/hallowed life barrier to chain, or they get a defensive hand or (if you have it) you pull out kuriboh. And in at number one: 1) Black Luster Soldier- Envoy of the Beginning (put on) Possibly the WORST of all cards that are not on the forbidden list. Everyone in these top ten lists all say about how brilliant he goes in a warrior deck. HELLO? I only have one warrior in my deck and he'd go good in mine! (Not that I'd ever put him in my deck, he's just too annoying). This card should be banned, I got so annoyed about this card, I went back to forbidden cards because I felt it was unjust. I will go back to post ban one day, but only once this card is on the forbidden list. Ahem... This card is definately powerful. Even if you can't attack, you can remove any monster (including face-down ones), making that effect extremely superior to chaos sorceror (underrated card). Also, when he can attack, he can attack twice, and with 3000 attack points, he's somewhat worse than the chaos emperor. Most people who run a good number of light and dark could easily put him into their deck, making him extremely easy to summon, and once he's on the field, there are only a handfull of cards that can stop him. He is just too powerful to be put into the advanced format.