Subject: a tip that every one should know!! I look through this site and read most of the tips people post. Guess what most of them are the same, or have the same basic cards in it. People please this game is about surprise and strategy, not conformity and mirrors. I went to a tournament last Sunday and most people were using the same cards in every deck. Im sick of seeing, hearing, and reading decks that have the same strategy about them, like Wall of Illusions and Man-Eater Bug, or Jirai Gumo and 7 Colored Fish. It gets very boring having to duel 10 people with almost the exact same deck. Sorry for going on like this, my tip for all of you is WOW us, the dueling community, with a new deck idea, not another deck we heard of last night, like I said before this game is based on strategy and surprise, Not Man-Eater Bugs, and beatdowns. Jeremy