This is Joe again!!!
Well well well... i see that Magic Ruler is comming up and i also see some tournament viable cards!!!  Some of these cards are the Gemini Elf, Relinquished(i hope i got that right!) and the Demon's Axe!  There are much more, but those three are probobly some of the best!  So here are the Top 10 Magic Ruler Cards

10.  Demon's Axe - not much I can say, just plain good.  1000 point atk bonus and the choice of causing it to go to the top of your deck (unlike that crappy card Sword of Deep-Seated!!!).  The catch, you have to sacrifice one of your monsters in order to put it on top of your deck.

09.  Cyber-Stein - Ahhh, the card that started yet another archtype, and one of my favorites.  This card brings back good memories, that effect is really WOW!!!  For most of you begginers, the effect is: Pay 5000 LP in order to Special Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck.  Now say you had a Black Skull Dragon or a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon in there.  Ouch...  But it's stats aren't good enough, 900/700.  Its still tournament viable, so reborn it and Hane-Hane it back into your hand, and make sure you use Mysterious Puppteer w/ this card!!!

08.  Hurricane - well... well... well... Heavy Storm's younger brother.  This time, instead of destroying your magic trap cards, you place them back in your hand.  Pretty nifty, but, i've seen a little better.  Still, hands down, this card is good.

07.  Penguin Knight - ahhh exodia decks can start to get better!!!  The Penguin Knight has a great effect, but this bird works best in Exodia decks to reshuffle the pieces back into your deck.  Still, it can work for anydeck just make sure that you have 3 in an Exodia deck.

06.  Mahar Vairo - This set has some great monsters for the level 1-4 type, and Mahar Vairo (try saying that 10 times fast!!!) is another great one.  When you equip magic cards to her, she automatically gains an additional 500 points.  For example, you equip Demon's Axe is equiped to her, you get a power bonus of 1500 atk strength.  And its stats aren't half bad either, 1550 is nothing to laugh at w/ that effect, cause one of those Demon's Axe and you got a 3050 point monster on the loose!!!  Watch out!!!(word of the wise, magic jammer kills her!!!

05.  Charge/Strong Defence - Finally!!!, some quick-play magic cards!!!  And these 2 are great, because you can use them during your opponents turn, so you can see what their doing and think about attaching them!!!  Plus, both power up the monster by 700 points (charge for atk, strong defence for def) either way!!!  But the number one thing is always important, their the very first quick-play magic cards!!!

04.  Cyclone - Along with Charge and Strong Defence, this card can make alot of appearences (if you ever duel me, i'm running 3 of these in my deck!!!) and I think I know why.  Say that you hate Mirror Force, and most people should, with Cyclone, you can destroy it and start a chain, free of charge!!!  Thats because Quick-Play magic cards have a spell speed of 2 while normal traps have a spell speed of 2, and spell speed 2 cards can counter spell speed 2 cards.  What a great strategy, Theives Seven Tools with no 1000 life points to spare.  But... heed this last warning, Counter Traps can kill this card before Cyclone gets going!  But only a real moron would activate Magic Jammer or Solemn Judgement for a Cyclone!!!

03.  Mischevous Demon Twins - oh God!!!  The Gemini Elves have gone bad!!!  Oh well, for the better perhaps, MDT is a great card where you sacrifice 1000 LP to have your opponent discard 2 cards from their hand.  This can add on to the ever so popular hand destruction deck type (you know Card Destruction, Robbin' Goblin, etc.).

02.  Gemini Elf - YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  There is absolutly nothing wrong with the Gemini Elves except the fact that I do believe that they are hard to come by.  These elves are great.  The pictures great, they have a 1900 attack, no effect and the best thing is they are level 4!!!  Yes, you can play them to counteract Mechanical Chaser and La Jinn and 7-Colored Fish.  They are great on they're own and all them monsters that can kill them are Dark Elves and Jirai Gumo's. 

01.  Relinquished - This card is the very first ritual monster out.  And its one of the best: 0 attack and 0 defense.  Ahh yes, from the outlook, this card is trash, but like all crappy cards, there's always an effect (Ex. Man Eater bug and Magician of Faith).  As far as I'm concerned, Ritual Monsters are great, and they usually have an attack above 2500 (except the Skull Rider, Fortress Whale and a couple of others).  The Relinquished has one of the best effects, and here it is.

Name: Relinquished
Type: Ritual Dark Monster
Level: 1
Atk: 0
Def: 0
Effect: Once during your turn, you may take one of your opponents monster cards and treat it as an equipment magic card.  Equip it to Relinquished and Relinquished gains that monsters attack and defence. 

This monster's effect is a dream come true, and it gets better when Mythical Age comes out and the Thousand Eyes Idle comes out.  The TEI fuses with the Relinquished to form the Thousand Eyes Relinquished.  Again, an attack and defence of 0/0.  But the effect is the same and you get an added bonus, all other monsters can not attacl, awesome for exodia decks and stall decks and direct damage decks and alot of other decks!!!

Well, thats the top 10 magic ruler cards.  Hope you've enjoyed them and Magic Ruler comes out on September 16th, so be prepared, I am!!!