ok i'm just gonna list all of my combos that i have in my deck.

Combo 1:Great Suijin
cards needed:
ultimate offering + 7 colored fish + star boy + jirai gumo + suijin + Dian keto + waboku
First have star boy on the field then summon 7 colored.  during ur opponents turn flip over UO and summon jirai gumo and suijin.  Then during your next turn play dian keto to recover those 1000 lps.  And just have waboku down there to protect your star boy.

Combo 2:Eternal Paralysis
cards needed:
Electric lizard + paralyzing potion + magic jammer
First bring out electric lizard and let your opponent attack it when its face-down.  Then attach paralyzing potion to the monster that attacked.  have magic jammer down there just in case your opponent uses de-spell.

Combo 3:Trap Protection
cards needed:
Any trap + Fake trap
This combo is incase your opponent uses a card like heavy storm to destroy that treasured mirror force or 7 tools.

Combo 4:Summoned Possum
cards needed:
Summoned skull + ring of magnetism + reverse trap
Ok this is a good combo to trick your opponent.  First have SS on the field and attach ONLY ring of magnetism.(any other cards will mess it up)  Now your opponent is thinking that he/she can get rid of a good monster with eas.  WRONGO!!!!!  When your opponent attacks your "weakened" SS, just flip a reverse trap over.  And BAM!!!!! they just attacked a 3000 attack monster!!!!!!!!!!  Pretty cool huh?!

Combo 5:Unhappy Opponent
cards needed:
Unhappy Maiden + ring of magnetism
This combo can trick your opponent easily.  Play the unhappy maiden FACE UP and have RoM facedown but still attached to the maiden.  Your opponent will want to attack the maiden last but surprise him when you flip over RoM!!!!!!!!  This combo can really help you out in a tight spot.  And can stall for those good cards in your deck.

Combo 6:Deck Destruction
cards needed:
WotBF + dark hole + bistro butcher +SoRL + Combo 5
Ok here is another stalling combo that can whittle down your opponents deck.  First have WotBF on the field then play DH.  you can get a monster like SS in your hand for later but its up to you.  then play BB and attack.  if you got SS out that's ok but to have the maiden out there and RoM is ok too.  after your opponent gets to summon a monster to destroy your BB flip over RoM to stall.  Then play SoRL to stall even more.

Combo 7:Reborn Dreams
cards needed:
Dream clown + monster reborn
this is a very simple combo that can give you the edge in a duel.  first summon dream clown and switch it to def using its effect.  this could destroy something like the BEWD.  then reborn your opponents monster that you killed.  you got to choose the monster so i hope you chose wisely.  and if your opponent has no monsters on the field, DD time!!!!!!

Combo 8:Stacking the Deck
cards needed:
Big eye + card destruction + strong monster + monster reborn
Ok here is a fairly simple combo that will let u get you closer to those cards that you want faster.  First have big eye on the feild f/d for its effect DUH!!!!!  have monster reborn on the field for later.  then have your opponent attack big eye to activate its effect DUH!!!!!!!!  arange the five cards wisely cuz you might draw all five!!!!  now use card destrudtion to get those cards in your hands.(hopefully you had your strong monster in your hand)  now play monster reborn to bring back that strong monster backwith no trib.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  now you have those cards that you wanted (hopefully) and a strong monster on the field with no tribute!!!!!!!!!!!  cool huh?!

Combo 9:Supreme Skulls
cards needed:
Summoned skull + sword of dark destruction + dragon capture jar + witch's apprentice
Ok this combo can really get rid of that annoying blue eyes.  first summon summoned skull and attach SoDD to it and trick your opponent into attacking with their blue eyes.  flip over DCJ to put those dragons down(beware of that annoying lord of d.).  then summon witch's apprentice to power up SS and power down BEWD or Seiyaryu.  this may destroy that BEWD but its not a promise. 

Combo 10:King of Ghosts
cards needed:
Witch's apprentice + pumpking + sword of deep-seated + castle of dark illusions
Alright this combo works ok but not great.  First get Pumpking and the apprentice out on the field.  then play the castle f/d for effect DUH!!!!!!!!  attach SoDS to it to give it more protection.  wait until the castles effect wears off the you can tribute for like SS.  And you get SoDS back next turn.  when you get SoDS attach it to pumpking to give him even more power.  now you might have 2 power houses on the field.

Combo 11:Power of the Shadows
cards needed:
Shadow ghoul + castle of dark illusions + 2xCheerful coffins + sword of dark destruction
Alright this combo is great if its played in the end of a duel.  First get Shadow ghoul on the field and flip castle of dark illusions over to power up SG even more.  once you get SoDD attach it to SG(SoDS can be used as well).  now if you have up to 6 monsters in your hand play the cheerful coffins to power up SG even more.  This combo can make SG more powerful than the god cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gamemaster64064@aol.com - Cardgenie64, Millenium_Eye, Lestat