Subject: Deck Types I am one of those people who reads lots of tournament reports and tips and let me tell you... THERE IS MORE TO YU-GI-OH THAN BEATDOWN! Beatdown is used so much it's just sickening. Here are 10 other strategies besides beatown, hopefully I am not to late and you don't already have a beatdown deck. 1. Power Power decks use equip magic, field magic, traps, and effect monsters to raise a monsters attack incredibly high. Usually a little slow but hard to stop once they get going. 2. Dragon Use Lord of D., Flute of Summoning Dragon, and a strong dragon like Blue Eyes or Tri Horn, Dragon Piper, and Mountain/Dragon Treusare. Pretty tough. 3. Discard My Personal Favorite. Use Robbin' Goblin, Bistro Butcher, White Magical Hat and Card Destruction to destroy an opponents deck and hand. I hear we get more good discarding cards in future sets such as magic ruler. 4. Fusion Not that popular, but we have 2 good fusions: Black Skull Dragon and Twin Headed Thunder Dragon. Use Versago the destroy and Goddess with the Third Eye for more speed. Fusion gets better with Fusion Gate and Cyber-Stien, both good cards in future sets. 5. Monster Removal If there's one deck type I hate more than Beatdown, this is it. Use Man-eater bug, Dream clown, Barrel Dragon, Fissure, Tribute to the doomed and other cards to keep all monsters off the field. 6. Zombie Use Shadow Ghoul, Pumpking, and Castle of Dark Illusions to get out the ultimate zombie warrior. 7. Stall Use Waboku, Unhappy Maiden, Swords of Revealing Light and other cards to deck your opponent out. 8. Exodia Use Witch of Black Forest, Sangan, Masked Sorcerer, and the last will/hane-hane combo to grab an instant win. 9. Direct Damage Use Catapult Turtle, Cannon Soldier, Just Desserts, Princess of Tsurgi, Tremendous Fire and Ookazi to win without attacking. Very Nasty. 10. Special Summon Not that fast, but powerful. Gate Guardian, Harpie Lady Sisters and Great Moth like to smack everyone around. P.S. I don't think beatdown decks are bad, just overused.