
Subject: Sweet BattleGuard Beef up combo - Red Eyes BattleGuard
This combo could go in many variations, increasing the chance that the combo will be pulled off , but I'm just pretending that I have all these cards in my hand or on the Magic part of the field

Whatcha  Need:
       Swamp BattleGuard, Lava BattleGuard, Invigoration, Sogen, and Milus Radiant (Reinforcements, Trap Hole,and Ultimate Offering would be helpful but thats too many cards)

Whatcha Need to Do: 
       First of all before the duel starts make sure all those cards are next to each other, so that after you shuffle your deck, some of the cards will still be in order.            (that's not illegal is it? Of course not I guess?)Anyways you could either put both BattleGuards down (one in set, the other summoned) Or, Summon one and on your opponents turn if he attacks you use Ult Off and summon the other BattleGuard, Or you could use Trap Hole with either way you go. It'll be better if you put both down so u can summon Milus Radiant in defense. After all three monsters are down the Battleguards' Atks are Lava BG:2550/2300   SwampBG:2800/2000, then you equiped the Swamp BG with Invigoration and use Sogen to bring him up to 3400/2000.

Some more pointers on the combo:
       1) If you can't seem to get Milus Radiant you could summon Witch of the Black Forest and send her to the graveyard some how and you'll be able to Search your deck for Mil. Rad.
       2) If you have both Battleguards in your hand and either Ultimate Offering of Reinforcements, you could just summon one battleguard in attack mode, make your opponent get cocky and attack and then you use Reinforcements or Ultimate Off. or both if it's legal. That way your opponent loses life points. It could also work if you use Ultimate Off. with Milus Radiant.

I hope you like it because it saved my butt many times. So laterz for now 'til I reveal even more dope combos

Red Eyes BattleGuard