Subject: Jinzo and Imperial Order Combo - VietDuelist If you just looked at the name and thought you've seen this combo before, you're wrong. I've seen so many dummies put that with both these cards out all traps and magics are negated well you're wrong. I've also read so many times that this combo is bad because you take 700 LP damage from Imperial Order even you can't negate magics because of the effects of Jinzo. This is also incorrect because Jinzo negates ALL trap cards effects including the 700 LP damage at each of your standby phases. Now that my rant is over on with the combo. Jinzo+Imperial Order First this combo can be difficult to pull off since both of these cards are restricted and for good reason. If you happen to get these 2 cards in your hand then the first thing to do is to set Imperial Order. Then wait until your opponent plays a magic that you don't like to activate it and negate the effect of the magic. A few turns after you've activated Imperial Order or at any time you have alot of magics in your hand that you would like to use but can't because of Imperial Order summon Jinzo to the field. Then use whatever magics you need to. Giant Trunade would be a great idea if you summoned Jinzo with a Call of the Haunted or you don't want your Imperial order to be destroyed. Depending on what magic cards you have saved in your hand you can do alot of damage to your opponent. I have won many a game with this combo and it really helps especially if you're really low on the Magic Jammers and Magic Drains. If you would like to express your dislike of me or commend me then just email me at yea I know I went a bit overboard about showing everyone that I'm asian but what the hey. I don't care. Good Luck and Happy Dueling ___________________________________