Subject: Structure Decks-Readdis Hi! Wondering wich stucture deck to buy? well, here's some of the cards that will be in.. Pegasus deck: Joey's: -Raigeki -Red eyes Black dragon -Heavy storm -Time wizard -thousand eyes sacrifice -Goblin attack force -lots of toon monsters, -axe of despair including BETD Yugi's: kaiba's: -cyber jar -3 blue eyes -dark magician -Blue eyes ultimate dragon -swords of reveiling light -the rest is all new cards -2 of mystical space typhoon you don't know yet... -mirror force -rituals Now, are you confused wich one to buy?- Buy all! I'm going to buy them all, but I think that those decks will be very expensif...(40$) If you want the complete list with card text, email me at, or, there's also edo's page at Thank you for reading this and thanks pojo to post this- By Yami_girl