Subject: A future combo with the Red Moon--Rien Now, any serious duelists would disregard this trick as wishful thinking and beginner's idiocy. And it's partly that, but it's also just fun. It revolves around one of my personal favorite (if not entirely useful) cards, the Red Moon Baby (for anyone who doesn't know, they're a level 3, 700/1000 and an effect that states any monster destroyed by this card can be special summoned at the end of the battle phase to your side of the field in either attack or defense mode). I actually run them in my dack, which of course now everyone shudders and thinks I'm incredibly stupid, but I'm going to keep running them and they'll be even better when Labyrinth of Nightmare comes out. It's all about two new magic cards, Power of Magicians and Power of Teamwork. I always use at least a couple equips when playing the Red Moon as it is useless without them. With Power of Magicians this combo becomes so much more deadly. Instead of using two Ax of Despairs and a Malevolent nuzzler on it, (my standard fare) replacing the Nuzzler with a Power of magicins yields an 800 point increase over the 2 axes and nuzzler. Anyway, that's the obvious part. The fun part is Power of Teamwork. it adds attack for every monster on your side of the field. And with Red Moon, everything you kill comes to your side, powering him up more. A lovely little cycle that i find ironically delicious. Anyway, For casual play, this combo can be devastating at the right time. However, i must point out that it is extrememly vulnerable to any magic removal, as it is the Red Moon's only saving grace. Heavy Storms are particularly dangerous, besides all the normal monster removal fare. All comments maybe sent to I'm sure most of you will disagree, but that's ok.