Subject: Monster Removal to the max!-Caylan McGregor YO WAZZUP! Hi, I just had a few things to say so about monster removal so I decided to say them. If you despise monster removal that's probabaly because whenever you play against them you lose. Now is your chance to find out why you always lose to them: you don't use enough counters! Monster Removal decks use a combination of magic and trap cards to destroy the opponents field and then they attack you for big damage. So if their magic and trap cards don't go through their whole strategy is wiped out. If you're running a monster removal deck you'll need the following: Barrel Dragon, 3 Trap Holes, Raigeki(I think that's how you spell it), 3 Tribute to the Doomed's, 3 Invador of the Thrones, Dark Hole, 3 Man-Eater Bugs, Change of Heart, and Snatch Steal (If you're not a newb you probably know all of this so you can leave now if you want). The reason I just listed cards like Invador of the Throne and Snacch Steal is because they still get rid of your opponents monsters. Yes, Invador of the Throne is hard to play since you can't activate it during your battle phase but it is DEFINATELY worth it. And yes, Snath Steal does have a high cost but not if you tribute the monster as soon as you get it. The reason for Change of Heart is the same as Snatch and all the other cards don't even need explanation. Now to the Beatdown aspect of Monster Removal. You'll need: 3 Summoned Skulls, 3 La Jinns, 3 7 Colored fishes, and 3 Harpies Brothers and a few epuip cards. None of these cards need explanations so I'm not going to give any. As you can see, a good Monster Removal deck is VERY expensive so if you're on a budget don't run a Monster Removal deck unless you want to embarrass yourself. Anyway, I'm sure this is enough to base your deck on. All of this is just my opinion so don't spaz if you disagree with it. If you want to contact me for any reason (questions, complaints, complaiments, or whatever else you want to e-mail me for) my e-mail adress is and I'm Caylan McGregor. later. GOD BLESS! Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.