
Ok, Hey  Pojo or Wartotal.

I have recently bought four Yu-Gi-OH Booster packs in the last week and have noticed a strange thing about them. Three of these packs were Pharoe Servant Packs and the last one was Magic Ruler. From two of those packs I received foil picture cards and from the other two I received foil name cards.
It then came to me on this very Saturday when I bought one of the Pharoe servant packs, that there is a way to to tell if a pack has a Ultra Rare or Super Rare or Secret rare in it. I noticed when I looked at the packs, they looked thiner than most packs and were harder to  open. Once I opened them the corners of the packages stuck and i had to peel them apart some to get the packs open. This has happened to both packs that had Foil picture cards in it, and for every  pack that had a foil Named card, the pack was puffy and looked thicker.
Now, there is a way to figure out what pack to purchase ans the ones not too.
It puts the bending trick to rest, now that I have also discovered that it does not work.

                                                        Sign James Thornquist