Subject: I Strike Back--Barreldragon126
Okay, this is RIDICULOUS, people! ENOUGH WITH THE RANTS, ANTI-RANT RANTS, ETC,! I have come to clear up some major issues.
1) Why People Bash Cards
I have seen several people bash Summoned Skull. Okay, so a Blue Eyes can beat it, but can a Judge Man? These people are bashing it because they WANT PEOPLE TO THINK IT'S BAD. If people think it's bad, then they won't play it, so bye-bye, worries! I don't think so!
2) The Truth About Burner, Beatdown, and Exodia
THEY ALL USE STRATEGY. Many game-breaking decisions are made, especially with Exodia and Burner, where one wrong move will send you packing. There are good variations of all 3, too. The key to these decks is SPEED. Exodia tries to get Exodia quickly. Burner tries to deplete Life Points quickly. Beatdown tries to overpower the opponent quickly, and Removal/Denial (though not mentioned in the intro) tries to lock down the opponent and run them out of options quickly. This is a game of SPEED. If you don't have speed, you're going to be sent packing real fast.
3) Staples
There is a reason these are called STAPLES. They belong in nearly every deck! I don't need to hear this $H1T about Eternal Rest being better than Raigeki. IT'S NOT!
4) Equips are Not as Good as You Think
There's something in this game called monster removal, and it WILL be used against you. More often than not, Equip Magic cards are useless when drawn. They belong only in SPECIALIZED DECKS.
5) Stall and LP Gain are Overrated
You WILL run out of options sometime. Any good deck can bust through a Stall or LP Gain wall.
6) No, You Do Not Need a Backup Plan
A good deck should do just fine with its main strategy. Save the backup plan for the Side Deck. You want to be able to execute your main strategy well, and backup plans will just get in your way.
7) No No You Really DON'T Need a Backup Plan
Enough said.
Thank you. I have plenty of articles on the way. Look for 2-3 in the next month or 2,
AIM: Barreldragon126
Rules on Contacting Me (You will be blocked [and warned, if on AIM] if you break them):
2) Do not ask me for my deck list. I do not give it out to anyone. I don't believe in "Xerox" (copy) decks.
3) I will fix all decks (eventually) received on or before 1/25/03. I will begin blocking rule-breakers as soon as this is posted.