Subject: More (Magical) Hat Tricks! Well, it seems that Upper Deck has posted some rulings about Magical Hats, but that's not a bad thing! In fact, the rulings UD has handed down actually INCREASE the combo potential of this card! The latest ruling is that m/t cards selected by Magical Hats don't get their effects activated once attacked, EXCEPT for effects which trigger once the card is sent to the Graveyard (eg. Axe of Despair, Sword of Deep-Seated, Black Pendant, etc.). So, once a Black Pendant is sent to the Graveyard thanks to Magical Hats, your opp still gets a 500-point jolt! With these rulings in mind, here's some new Hat-related combos to get you started... 1) Pick 2 Black Pendants: Simplicity itself. Your opp does little to no damage to you, and you hand him 1000 points of damage! If you have a Magician of Faith when you pull this off, so much the better! Simply retrieve a Pendant, and keep the pain coming! 2) Axe of Despair and Sword of Deep-Seated, plus Shift on the field: Force your opp to attack the Axe with Shift, then offer the Sword as a Tribute to put the Axe on top of your deck. The Sword's effect will resolve first and be put on top of your deck, followed by the Axe. Follow up with a Cyber Jar to get a monster on the field, and the Axe and Sword will be put in your hand, ready to give your monster a 1500 ATK boost! Works wonders with Hayabusa Knight! If you do plan on using this combo, hold back a monster in your hand in case you get a bad draw from the Cyber Jar. 3) Axe and Pendant(with Shift if necessary): Have your opp attack the Axe, and offer the Pendant. Your opp takes 500, and the Axe is the next card you draw! Also works with Cyber Jar to similar effect as the above combo. With the coming Labyrinth of Nightmare, there could be many, many new opportunities to reveal the hidden powers of current cards! Keep looking! --Kyoichi Saiyonji