Subject: Wishing Does well Part 2/Fissure Counter/Rare Card Rant - John Noble Remember my 'Wishing Does Well' tip? well, here's a little something to add to that: Solemn Wishes. While your opponent is losing 500, you are gaining 500! while the chances at getting all of these cards at the right time is pretty slim, it's useful when finishing up the duel. Add to the Solemn Wishes the Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, and if you can fit it in: Masked Sorcerer. Ok, I feel better about getting that out. Now here's another tip for all those beat-down decks: Cards Required: -Any monster of 1500 ATK or more -Black Pendant (the more you have the better) Know why this is good? because you can power up a monster.. and if they destroy that monster or send it to the graveyard, your opponent looses 500 life points for each Black Pendant that is destroyed! Ok this might belong in a 'burn' deck instead but the 500 ATK boost works in either. Easy Counters: -increase your LP with Dian Keto or Solemn Wishes back up -Reverse trap brings monster back down and further! ------------------------------------------------------------ Next tip! Now this is something all duelists should keep in mind... try to maintain at least 3 monsters on the field. Why? well, once you tribute for that Blue-Eyes and you use up all your monsters, it's easy to get rid of it with Fissure. Many a duelist has lost to that one simple card: Fissure. because they brought out their best monster without any backup.. How to Counter things like Fissure: -have a monster like Mystical Elf/Prevent Rat/Giant Soldier of Stone in DEF mode to take that hit -have another weaker monster with an ATK power of at least 1600. (also provides the ever annoying strategy of attacking with Blue-Eyes/Dark Magician and then attacking directly with weaker monster) keep the Fissure tip in mind for all of you that don't spend hundreds of dollars on buying the single cards at your local Game store or buying booster packs to find that one card. I've heard a lot of talk about Magic Jammer and Mystical Space Typhoon... guess what, about 1 person in 30 average duelists will have one of those and even less will have both, and the lucky 1 of 1000 will have both in excess. Don't worry a lot about those, and worry more about the easier cards... well, thats it for that rant! Cya'll later!