Wrom: [thefifthmessiah@yahoo.com] Subject: rant on yugioh tips by thefifthmessiah over the past few months the yugioh strategy section has slowly degraded into a mosh pit of dimwits who know nothing. only occasionally do i see a decent tip or strategy that enlightens me or for that matter interests me. its not that the tips are bad, they are just WRONG. Period. most of the tips are written based on wrong information and anyone who follows the so called "tips" are themselves idiots. at least the tips have gotten over the topic, "A Rant on Beatdown Rants", god that made me want to puke. if i sound angry, it is because i am, very. my request for future people who want to write tips, do some research, make sure what your saying is true, not wrong. anyone who does decide to send in anymore tips that are wrong or stupid, will recieve a single email expressing my regrets and an explanation why they are wrong. please, everyone, read the FAQ section that is posted by pojo, it is excellent, another source would be edo's page(forget the url), but edo is extremely knowledgable about yugioh. what my point is, PLEASE, do not send anymore useless tips. __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! http://sbc.yahoo.com